- I shall have to sell up to pay all my debts. 我将不得不卖掉我的东西来还债。
- She will feel having to sell up her old home . 卖掉她的旧住宅,这会使她难过的。
- She will feel having to sell up her old home. 卖掉她的旧住宅,这会使她难过的。
- The bailiff was ordered lo sell up the furniture lo pay the debt. 财产管理人员被责令卖掉所有的家具还债。
- He went bankrupt and was sold up. 他破产了,他的财产被变卖偿债。
- The new supermarket has been so successful that some small shopkeepers have had to sell up. 那家超级市场营业非常成功,使得某些小店不得不出盘歇业。
- He was bankrupt and was sold up. 他破产了,他的财产被变卖还债。
- Even if the worst comes to the worst, we can always sell up our business here and start again somewhere else. 即使出现最坏的情况,我们也总可以随时在这里变卖商店,然后在其他地方另起炉灶。
- Safety predators" Shanghai sell up to sell like Hamburg? 房产大鳄”落户上海卖房子能像卖汉堡?
- They have sold up ten crates of mineral water in the afternoon. 他们这个下午卖掉了十箱矿泉水。
- Tata believes it can eventually sell up to a million Nanos a year. 塔塔公司预计“微型车”最终年销量可达到一百万辆。
- I wish to sell up all three properties and become mortgage free. 我希望卖掉所有三处财产,成为一名无抵押贷款者。
- After farming for ten years in Britain, Jerome sold up and went to Canada. 杰罗姆在英国经营了十年农场后,变卖了全部财产前往加拿大。
- They sold up and went to live in Cornwall. 他们变卖了一切,然后到康沃尔去住。
- I went bankrupt and was sold up. 我宣告破产,财产被卖掉还债。
- So they have sold up to half of their cattle early. 所以他们提前卖掉了一半的牲畜。
- John sold up and went to Australia. 约翰变卖了财产去了澳大利亚。
- I went bankrupt and was sold up . 我宣告破产,财产被卖掉还债。
- The girl told me that flim tickets were sold up. 那个女孩告诉我说电影票已经卖完了。
- After owning the firm for some twenty years, Mr.Thompson sold up and went abroad. 汤普森先生把自己经营20多年的公司卖掉后到国外去了。