- Such numerals with semantic fuzziness have the rhetorical function of figuration and exaggeration. 这种模糊语义的数字具有比喻或夸张的修辞功能。
- It is Semantic Fuzziness and its rhetoric function that come and go in natural language ubiquitously. 自然语言中数字的语义模糊性表达及其特殊的修辞功能无处不在。
- However, only by improving the techniques of interpreters, is it possible to solve some problems of semantic fuzziness such as "instantaneity", "shift of manipulative power". 实际上从口译的动态过程和特征来考察,仅仅把口译者作为研究的对象是不全面的,也不可能解决口译中的所有问题,因为人不可能是百科全书。
- The root of semantic fuzziness exists in the author's intension, the acceptation of the demonstrative pronoun itself and the complexity of the referred-object. 指代词语义模糊性的根源在于作者的创作意图、指代词的词义本身和指代对象的复杂性。
- A Reinterpretation of the Problems of Categorial Essence and Semantic Fuzziness 有关范畴本质和语义模糊性的再认识
- Reflections on Category and Semantic Fuzziness in Terms of Husserl's Phenomenological Theory 从现象学的角度反思范畴和语义模糊性研究
- Discussing the Semantic Fuzziness of Time Word in Modem Chinese and its Representation in Syntax 小议现代汉语时间词的语义模糊性及其句法表现
- To Understand the Semantics Fuzziness of Verbs From"Qie, Ge, Jie" 从"切、割、截"看动词语义的模糊性
- semantic fuzziness 语义模糊性
- And it isn't a mere semantic nicety. 它不只是语义上的细微差别。
- Other semantic entanglements might be mentioned. 还可以举出一些语义上的其他混乱现象。
- The next step is semantic transparency. 下一步是实现语义的透明性。
- There may be a semantic problem. 可能存在语义问题。
- Raises the semantic level of development. 提高开发阶段层次。
- Semantic features of MEE vocabulary. 分析轮机英语词汇的一些特点。
- Backtracking and semantic actions do not mix well. 回溯和语义动作混用不是太好。
- This paper analyzed the fuzziness and the race characteristic of the metaphorical meaning from the angle of semantic identification and inference. 本文从隐喻意义的识别和推断,对隐喻理解过程中意义的模糊性和民族性进行分析。
- Vague text refers to the text with semantic indeterminacy. 摘要模糊语篇是指语义不确定或模糊不清的语篇。
- Chapter 4 digs into the pragmatic fuzziness in legal language. 第四章探讨法律语言的模糊性在语用中的表现。 第五章详细阐述法律语言的模糊性是怎样被消除并在法庭判决中表现为确定性的。
- Synonymy is a realization of semantic paradigmatic relationship. 同义关系是词义聚合的重要表现。