- T.Burge,"Semantical Paradox",The Journal of Philosophy,Vol.76(1979 黄展骥.;保留"矛盾";消解"悖论"--评克里普克、伯奇的"解悖方案"[J]
- Semantic paradox is not a tenable proposition, no m atter its hypothesis is true or not, from this point of view, it can be called " neutral proposition". 语义悖论是无论假设其真还是假设其假都不能成立的命题,就此意义而言,可称之为“不真不假命题”。
- The current US government ignores such semantic paradoxes. 当今美国政府不重视这种语言上的自相矛盾。
- The answer to the question is full of paradox. 对这个问题的回答矛盾百出。
- Paradox and irony are characteristics of her style. 她善於运用似非而是的隽语和反语。
- semantical paradox 语义悖论
- Based on Austinian propositional view, thesituation semantics solution to paradoxes, in the form of Austinian Account, solves intuitively a number of semantic paradoxes whose head is the liar paradox. 摘要以奥斯汀式命题为基础、奥斯汀式阐释为形式,情境语义学解悖方案合乎直觉地解决了以说谎者悖论为首的一批语义悖论。
- Chapter II mainly introduces Tarski"s view of truth and approach to the semantic paradoxes and comments on his view from Kripke and Davidson. 第二章循克里普克的思路,对经典的塔斯基的解悖方案和真理观进行了介绍,并从克里普克的批评和戴维森的辩护两个方面对其进行了评析。
- The gorilla is something of a paradox in the African scene. 在非洲大舞台上大猩猩有点象似是而非的隽语。
- Here we have an apparent paradox. 这里显然存在着一条佯谬。
- "More haste,less speed"is a paradox. “欲速则不达”是一种似非而是的论调。
- I now live with a perspective of great paradox. 我现在带着十分矛盾的看法生活着。
- It's a work full of paradox and ambiguity. 这部作品充满了似非而是及模棱两可之处。
- More haste, less speed'is a well-known paradox. 欲速不达'是人所熟知的隽语。
- Was it a harmless paradox, intended to puzzle her? 这是不是一种并无恶意的反话,只是为了跟她故弄玄虚呢?
- Haste, less speed is a well-known paradox. 欲速则不达是人们熟知的隽语。
- This brings us to a seeming paradox. 对我们来说,这似乎是矛盾。
- This is the famous North paradox. 这就是著名的诺思悖论。
- But this is where the paradox appears. 但这正是矛盾之所在。
- "More haste, less speed" is a paradox. "欲速则不达"是似非而是的隽语。