- The testis sacs communicate with the seminal vesicles. 精巢囊与储精囊相连。
- The male body has sperm ducts , seminal vesicles , a prostate etc. 男性有输精管道、精囊腺和睾丸等等。
- The visibility of the seminal vesicles was 100%, and the vas deferens 81%. 储精囊在经直肠超音波下有100%25的呈示率,而输精管则为81%25。
- Infection may move into the prostate, seminal vesicles, and epididymis, causing testicular pain and fever. 感染可能进入前列腺、精囊、附睾,引起睪丸疼痛和发烧。
- Most of the seminal vesicles (56%) had echogenicity between that of the Inner and outer zone of normal prostate. 大多数(56%25)储精囊的回音强度介乎正常摄护腺之内区与外区之问。
- However, no report concerning the normal morphology of seminal vesicles on TRUS has been published in Taiwan. 不过,国内尚无有关以经直肠超音波观测正常储精囊的报告。
- Highly atypical cells are a normal finding in the seminal vesicles of about 80% of older men. 在80%25的正常老年男性的精囊中,发现高度非典型细胞是很正常的。
- The atypia is degenerative and not observed in the seminal vesicles of young men. 这种非典型现象属于自然退化性表现,在青年男性的精囊是看不到的。
- Objective : To investigate whether there is a change in the histology of the prostate gland and seminal vesicles following vasectomy in monkeys. 目的:研究成年猕猴输精管结扎后前列腺及精囊腺的组织学结构是否发生变化。
- The seminal vesicles are two sacs which lie next to the ampullae (the enlarged endings of the vasa deferentia) behind the bladder and near the top of the prostate gland. 精囊腺是两个侧置于壶腹(输精管的膨大末端)旁、居膀胱后方、靠近前列腺顶端的囊袋状结构。
- CT appearances of prostatic tumors were inregular enlargement of prostate, inhomogenous in density, unclear border with nodular protrution and involvement of bladder seminal vesicles. CT表现为不规则增大、密度不均、边缘模糊呈结节状隆起、膀胱精囊角变钝或消失,多见于前列腺肿瘤。
- Most neoplasms of the seminal vesicles are secondary invasion from prostatic cancer, urinary bladder cancer, rectal cancer, or pelvic seedings from other intraabdominal malignancies. 绝大多数储精囊之肿瘤系次发于摄护腺癌、膀胱癌、直肠癌之侵犯,或源于体内其他恶性肿瘤之骨盆腔转移。
- Transrectal color Doppler ultrasound was used to scanning prostates and seminal vesicles,and the peak systolic velocity(PSV),end diastolic velocity(EDV),and resistance index(RI) were determined. 结果:对照组前列腺组尿道动脉PSV、RI与男性不育组比较差异有显著性(P<0.;05);对照组前列腺包膜组动脉PSV、EDV、RI与男性不育组比较差异无显著性(P>0
- Anomalies of the seminal vesicles 精囊畸形
- Perivesicular tissues of seminal vesicles 精囊囊周组织
- This seminal vesicle is from a 45 year-old man who underwent radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer. 这是一例45岁前列腺癌患者,行根治性前列腺切除术后的精囊标本所见。
- Transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) has been used in detection of seminal vesicle pathology recently. 近来经直肠超音波检查已渐被应用于侦测储精囊的病变。
- The seminal vesicle functions as a gland, secreting and storing the viscid component of the seminal fluid. 精囊腺作为一个腺体发挥功能,分泌和储存精囊液。
- Qu set by the testes and vas deferens, the coarse and the seminal vesicle She Jingguan composition. 由盘曲的精巢、输精管、较粗大的储精囊和射精管组成。
- Objective: To study the etiopathogenisis and managemant of seminal vesicle enlargement. 目的:了解精囊扩张的病因及处理方法。