- semipermanent packer 半永久型封隔器
- The packer application does all the hard work. 加壳程序的制作是最困难的部分。
- A packer of boxes in a warehouse. 仓库里的盒子包装机
- Washing and Fishing Technology for MHS Packer. MHS封隔器磨铣打捞工艺
- Wow, even the famous coach Packer showed up! 唉,时间又冲突了。要不然,我也露一手。不过以吃为主。
- I took out a packer of cigarettes and offered the man one. 我拿出一包香烟请这个人吸一支。
- An outraged movie like Stone’s intrudes upon a semipermanent mourning. 像斯通这种忿忿不平的电影侵犯到美国人近乎永恒的哀悼。
- Do they have to send the dates to a specialist packer for packing? 供货商是否还要把蜜枣送到包装商那儿去包装?
- Simulation test of packer rubber-casing wall contact stress. 封隔器胶筒对套管接触应力模拟试验研究。
- The tailor makes the man and the packer beautifies the goods. 人靠衣装,货要包装。
- And effectual measures for running the packer string are presented. 并就此提出相应的施工措施。
- Packer was an American gold prospector and convicted cannibal. 帕克是一名美国金矿勘探者及食人犯。
- Remember when a case packer might have three or four servos? 记得装箱可能有三个或四个舵机?
- The area ( s ) on magnetic disks used for work in process ; not permanent or even semipermanent. 用来进行工作的磁盘域,它不是永久性的甚至不是半永久的。
- In other words, they decided to treat his layoff as semipermanent and plan accordingly. 换一句话说,他们决定把他的事业作为半永久性的而且据此做出相应的计划。
- In the next installment( s) I'll talk about the packer application itself. 在下面几部分里面我会讨论加壳程序主体的制作。
- In this installment I will cover the qualitative aspects of producing a packer. 在这个部分里我会描述关于制作加壳工具的质量问题。
- The APF also controls parachute rigger and packer standards in Australia. APF同时制定澳大利亚的降落伞装配和包装标准。
- A file of data considered permanent or semipermanent, i.e., an arrangement or ordering of a series of record; also, a single record from such a file. 一种永久性或半永久性的数据文件,也就是一系列记录的排列和定序;也指这种文件中的单个记录。
- AM-Zip creates PKZip/WinZip compatible Zip archives, no external packer needed. 调幅邮编创造PKZip / WinZip的兼容的Zip档案,任何外部包装需要。