- send sb along as an observer 派某人作观察员.
- The old man was sent along as an observer. 那个老人被派作观察员。
- The old man was sent along as an observer . 观察者,观察员;遵守者;观测者;目击者
- They sent her there as an observer. 他们派她去那做观察员。
- You can't speak at this meeting,you are here as an observer. 你不能在会上发言,你只是个观察员。
- You can' t speak at this meeting, you are here as an observer. 你不能在会上发言,你只是个观察员。
- You can't speak at this meeting, you are here as an observer. 你不能在会上发言,你只是个观察员。
- China welcomes the energy-rich Turkmenistan to join as an observer of the SCO. 中国欢迎能源丰富的土库曼斯坦先以观察员身份加入上合组织。
- I can attend the meetings as an observer but I have no voice in their discussions. 我可以作为一名观察员出庭会议,但我在讨论中没有发言权。
- Imagine yourself as an observer witnessing the big bang and the subsequent expansion. 现在,假想你自己是在一旁目睹大霹雳与其后续膨胀的观察者。
- He walked along as if favoring his sore foot. 他走路像是特别小心照顾他那只酸痛的脚似的。
- It will be carried out in the presence of a fourth pathologist, who will serve as an observer for the police. 尸检将在第四位病理学家在场的情况下进行,第四位病理学家代表警方对过程进行监督。
- At the same time, once again expressed strong support for Taiwan into the World Health Assembly (WHA) as an observer. 同时再度表示强力支持 台湾 成为世界卫生大会(WHA)的观察员。
- The Geneva Office represents Hong Kong,China,as a Member of the WTO. It also represents Hong Kong as an observer on the OECD Trade Committee in Paris. 驻日内瓦办事处代表中国香港作为世贸成员,又代表香港以观察员身分参与设在巴黎的经济合作及发展组织的贸易委员会。
- I don't want them stringing along as well! 我也同样不愿意让他们跟著来!
- State participation in UNCITRAL, either as an elected member State of the Commission or as an observer State is entirely voluntary. 国家作为经选举产生的委员会成员国或作为观察员国参加贸易法委员会是完全自愿的。
- In July 2000,the heads of state of the five countries met for the fifth time in Dushanbe of Tajikistan. The President of Uzbekistan attended the meeting as an observer. 2000年7月,五国元首在塔吉克斯坦杜尚别举行第五次会晤,乌兹别克斯坦总统以观察员身份参加会晤,会后签署了《杜尚别声明》。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。
- During each phase, any element along the path can be registered as an observer of the event, and can thus trigger an event handler. 每个阶段中,路径中的任何元素都可以注册为事件观测者,从而能够触发事件处理程序。
- As an observer said earlier in the week, "It will be impossible to turn back the clock."Although the link could prove tenuous, the observer just may be right. 战前战后的两个“德国故事”都可以成为中国的一面镜子,是否完整地讲述德国故事却能照出两种完全不同的中国影像。