- senile critical patient 老年危重病人
- Objective To probe into risk factor and precautionary measures while transshipping in the critical patient's courtyard. 目的探讨危重患者院前转运时的风险因素及防范措施。
- Objective To report the Clinical results of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation (IABP) in application for critical patient after heart surgery. 目的报告应用主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)治疗术后危重心脏病患者的疗效。
- Objective:To evaluate the significant of DCG monitoring in critical patients. 目的:探讨危重患者动态心电图(DCG)监测的临床意义。 方法:采用国产JHY?1便携式动态心电监护仪对192例危重患者进行DCG检测。
- Hypocaloric parenteral nutrition support and rhGH for the surgical critical patients. 低热量肠外营养联合生长激素在外科危重病人中的应用。
- With triage, critical patients were served first, however, non-emergent patients may wait. 检伤分类让急重症患者获得优先处理,较不危急的患者就有可能等候。
- When critical patients are treated in HBO chamber, it is very important to select reasonable sputum aspirators. 选用合适的吸痰装置,将为各种危重患者早期进行HBO治疗提供安全保障。
- Conclusion: Comprehensive nursing is very important to care the critical patients with nasotracheal tube. 结论:应注重对经鼻气管插管危重病人的全方面护理。
- Objective: To explore the effective method of nursing critical patients with nasotracheal tube concurred bedsores. 摘要目的:探讨经鼻气管插管危重病人患者伴褥疮的有效护理。
- Methods To sum up knowledge from using insertion of subclavia vein with the catheters in 45 critical patients. 方法:对45例重症患者行锁骨下静脉穿刺术进行了回顾总结。
- Objective:To compare the effect of applications of PICC and subclavian vein puncture in cerevreal critical patients. 目的:观察外周静脉穿刺导入中心静脉置管(PICC)与锁骨下静脉置管两种方法在颅脑危重患者中的应用效果。
- He may belong to senile residents who stray from home. 他可能是那种离家迷失在外的昏聩老年人。
- For critical patients DIU and first aid should be perfomed at the same time. If BP maintained above 12/6.7kPa, this kind of examination should be done even the patient suffered from renal failure or severe trauma of both kidneys. 作者认为只要血压维持在12/6.;7kPa(90/50mmHg)以上;甚至有急性肾功能衰竭或严重双肾损伤者;仍可进行该项检查。
- Serum PCT has clinical values in the diagnosis, differentiation and therapy of bacterial infections in the critical patients. 血清PCT检测对危重病人细菌感染的早期诊断、鉴别诊断及指导临床治疗具有重要意义。
- This instrument monitors the patient's heartbeats. 这台仪器监听病人的心跳。
- Objective: To summarize the experience of application of percu ta neous dilatational tracheotomy and nursing for 164 critical patients. 目的:总结164例危重患者经皮微创气管切开的应用及护理经验。
- This research shows that: the application of the ECMO supportie technique can reduce the mortality rate of critical patients significantly. 5本研究显示:应用ECMO支持技术显著降低了急危重症的死亡率。
- The patient never even tasted the food. 病人对这食物连尝也没尝一下。
- The doctor dispensed a prescription to his patient. 医生开处方给病人配药。
- Objective To report the clinical effects of intraaortic balloon counterpulsation(IABP) in application of critical patients after heart surgery. 目的报告应用主动脉内球囊反搏(IABP)治疗术后危重心脏病患者的疗效。