- Wang Ziqiang, a senior engineer. 高级工程师王自强。
- The Flying Shear for Export Designed by Senior Engineer XuHonghai. 徐宏海高级工程师设计的出口飞剪。
- I obtained a working model in 2005. I am a senior engineer. 本人获得2005年度天津市五一劳动奖章,高级工程师
- Chen Xin : Telecommunication Senior Engineer, Member of CUZ Photo Club. 陈新:电信通讯高级工程师,CUZ摄影俱乐部会员.
- Senior engineer and professional team composed of doctoral students, set on. 高级工程师和博士生组成的专业队伍,集研究。
- Under the engineering department and report to Senior Engineer. 隶属于工程部,汇报给高级工程师。
- Now has32 employees include1 senior engineer and3 technicians, has terra1000 sq. 主导产品有船用配件、桩机配件等。
- All the senior engineers have formed a little clan of their own. 所有的高级工程师组成了他们自己的小团体。
- A senior engineer of a public body is assigned to supervise the construction work of the. 一名公共机构高级工程师,获派监督该机构兴建新总部大楼的工程。
- The premier will call on some senior engineers next month. 下个月总理将拜访一些高级工程师。
- In this regard, Tongji University Architectural Design Institute senior engineer cars Xueya introduced. 对此,同济大学建筑设计院的高级工程师车学娅作了介绍。
- Professor level senior engineer, expert with State Department special allowance. 教授级高工,享受国务院特殊津贴专家。
- He is senior engineer and registered consultancy engineer, gaining subsidy rewarded by State Department. 高级工程师,注册咨询工程师,享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。
- A government senior engineer who has obtained the information of a highway development project. 一名政府高级工程师意图出售在筹划某公路发展项目期间所获知的机密资料。
- Communicating with project manager or senior engineer and supplying technological guidance. 与项目经理和高级工程师沟通并给予技术指导。
- Mr. Peng Rui, the general manager , an information tech. expert, a senior engineer. 彭睿,总经理,高级工程师,电子信息专家。
- Hu Wenkang: Senior Engineer, Xinjiang Institute of Zoology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumchi 830011. 胡文康:高级工程师,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,乌鲁木齐830011。
- A senior engineer said China led the world in conduction the weather interference. 一位高级工程师说,中国的天气干扰技术领先世界。
- Yang Chaoyu is senior engineer of Hu Bei Textile Engineering Society. 作者是湖北省纺织工程学会高级工程师。
- The company employed him as a senior engineer, and has awarded him a letter of appointment. 公司聘请他为高级工程师,并给他颁发了委任状。