- Not having a sense of crisis is a maximal crisis. 没有危机感是最大的危机。
- Only a person with a sense of crisis comsurvive, develop and grow. 只有有危机意识得人才能生存;发展;壮大.
- Only a person with a sense of crisis can survive, develop and grow sturdy. 只有有危机意识的人才能生存、发展和壮大。
- Weisstein once suggested is the “permanent” sense of crisis in the field. 名为再次建议是“永久性”的危机意识,在外地。
- For a small and affluent country like Singapore, the lack of a sense of crisis among its people is perhaps the biggest crisis for us. 对于小而富的新加坡来说,人民缺乏危机感,这本身就是危机,没有忧患意识就是最大的忧患。
- America's currency has been infected by the sense of crisis that bedevils its economy and financial markets. 困扰着美国经济和金融市场的危机感也影响着美元。
- She's always to the fore at moments of crisis. 她在危急关头总是挺身而出。
- Besides, misjudgment of oneself and external impacts can also lead to a sense of crisis inside of a person. 这种危机感有时转瞬即失,有时持续甚久,甚至令人绝望。
- And for those who lack the sense of crisis, this kind of disaster that is their business career destroyer “. 而对于那些缺乏应对突发事件意识的人来说,这种灾难就是他们经营生涯的“终结者”。
- The sense of crisis was heightened by dramatic closures in the airline industry. 航空业戏剧性的关闭加剧了危机意识的提高。
- It caused Mao Zedong to develop a sense of crisis that "revisionism would overthrow us" and led to his deep concern about the issue of successor. 七千人大会导致毛泽东产生“修正主义要推翻我们”的危机感,引发了他对接班人问题的严重关注;
- We always hold together in times of crisis. 我们在危难中总是团结一致。
- The shakeup reflects the sense of crisis within Toyota as it navigates one of the toughest periods in its 70-year history. 这一管理层调整反映出了丰田汽车内部的危机感,这家公司正面临着70年历史上最为艰难的时期。
- They have the sense of crisis and tragedy and also the observant insight toward the society, which make their works immortal. 他们都具有危机感和悲剧意识以及敏锐的社会洞察力,这都使得他们的作品成为不朽。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- No wonder: markets around the world gyrated dramatically in recent days, contributing to a growing sense of crisis in parts of the financial world. 毫无疑问:近日全球市场剧烈震荡,导致金融界某些领域的危机感日益加剧。
- A sense of futility stole over her. 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。
- Second, it is aimed at inflating the hot air and "big power mentality" in the minds of some Chinese and blunting our sense of crisis. 它一是要引起西方、特别是美国的惊恐,从根本上感到“中国的威胁”和挑战,从而动员“遏制中国的势力”。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。