- Andrew had a sense of great sadness and of loss. 安德鲁有一种极度怅惘和失落的感觉。
- When she died I was filled with a sense of loss. 她去世后我心里充满了失落感。
- He felt an overwhelming sense of loss. 他感到非常失落。
- The experience reinforced my sense of loss. 这一经历让我更加感到失落。
- This made me feel a sense of loss. 这让我产生了一种失落感。
- A sense of loss and longing for someone or something gone. 悲痛:失落感和思念失去的某人或某物的感觉。
- Goldstein experienced once more an automatic sense of loss and longing. 戈尔斯坦又不知不觉地产生了无限怀念的惘然之感。
- After my boyfriend went away, nothing distracted me from my sense of loss. 男友走后,无论什么都不能排遣我的失落感。
- After my boyfriend went away,nothing distracted me from my sense of loss. 男友走后,无论什么都不能排遣我的失落感。
- Having regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone. 对所作的事情或者有些事情没有做而感到后悔、悲痛或者遗憾。
- Langdon could not help but feel a deep sense of loss at the curator's death. 兰登禁不住的为这位馆长的死感到惋惜。
- The reporter could do nothing even as he felt a deep sense of loss and grief as he realised there was nothing he could do to salvage the works of art. 记者眼睁睁看着艺术瑰宝被毁,无限惋惜与痛心。
- Therefore,people who feel concern for the literary scene worry and feel a sense of loss. 不少关心文坛的人士,都因此感到忧虑与遗憾。
- In a little while we lost our sense of direction. 一会儿我们就辨不清方向了。
- People who feel concerned for the literary scene worry and have a sense of loss. 不少关心文坛的人士,都因此感到忧虑与遗憾。
- A sense of futility stole over her. 一种没用的感觉向她袭来。
- Our insides are torn by such shock, grief, fear, and sense of loss that it feels like death. 我们的内心为震惊、悲痛、恐惧、和怅然若失所撕扯噬咬。哀莫大于心死。
- The danger recalled him to a sense of duty. 这危险的事唤起了他的责任感。
- And any argument between us would not cause me to lose heart or feel a sense of loss. 我们之间的争论,并不会造成任何我感到气馁或感到怅然若失。
- Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。