- sense of marriage and love 婚恋观
- Just the same gambit of marriage and love but the feeling and the ingathering was far away from all previous chat with QIU and so on. 还是婚恋话题,却完全不同于我和秋她们的历次聊天,所得的确很不一样,原来和抱抱同级别的人是如此众多和普遍。
- The moral idea of PamelaRichardson combined moral idea and love story together,Pamela's attitude of marriage and sex is the typical represent of Purity sex moral. 《帕梅拉》中体现的十八世纪的道德观《帕梅拉》浓重的说教味道和它的风靡是并行不悖的,理查逊把宗教文学虔诚的道德信奉与虚构的爱情故事结合起来。 帕梅拉对婚姻和性的态度是十八世纪清教性道德的典型代表。
- His works often describe the heart of human being by way of marriage and love, closely question and intently watch the existing predicament of mankind through pushing them to the edge of life, and strive to seek the way to redeem mankind spritually. 北村的文本往往从现实婚姻和爱情的角度进入人的心灵腹地,通过将人推向生活的边缘向人发出生存的诘问,逼视人类的生存困境,并力图为人类寻找精神的救赎之途。
- This revolution cannot happen without radical changes in the family as we know it today; in our concepts of marriage and love, in our architecture, our cities, our theology, our politics, our art. 我们今天所了解的家庭,我们所持有的婚姻和恋爱观念,我们的建筑、城市、理论、政治、艺术,如果不对上述各个方面做一番彻底变革,那么,这场革命就不可能发生。
- Journal of Marriage and Family, with Family Relations. 婚姻与家庭杂志,附家庭关系。
- Today at Cana many underline the grace of marriage and family. 今天在加纳很多人强调婚姻和家庭的恩典。
- The two called it quits after four years of marriage and one child. 二人称在经历了四年的婚姻生活并育有一子后,双方得失互等。
- view of marriage and love affairs 爱情观
- relationship of marriage and love 婚恋关系
- Of course there is something more in the strict sense of marriage. 当然婚姻还有更多的积极因素。
- Two people love always dressed just a romantic, marriage and the care of an apple, a cup of warm tea is more romantic than a sense of taste. 两个人的爱情永远只是一种光鲜的浪漫,而婚姻中一个苹果的关怀,一杯茶的温馨是比浪漫更值得品味的一种感觉。
- Be guided by your sense of what is right and just. 做事要有是非观念和正义感。
- A goodlooking man, mature, stable, great sense of humor, caring and loving. 人才一表,气质优良,尊老爱幼,爱党爱国,勤劳勇敢,奋不顾身,四个坚持,三自一包,。。。。。
- Traditional Mentality and Modern Feelings-- Deciphering Zhang Ailing From the Angle of Marriage and Love 传统意识与现代情怀--从婚姻爱情的角度解读张爱玲
- He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty. 他毫无羞耻之心,而且从不觉得内疚。
- Seeing Different Things from the Different Perspective--"Only Reading" of the Culture of Marriage and Love in the Novel in the New Times 横看成岭侧成峰--对新时期小说中婚恋文化的"只读"
- He tried to beat out the sense of every word and phrase. 他试图弄清楚每一个词语的意思。
- A questionnaire survey on the attitude towards life of marriage and love of 458 students in four universities of southwest area 西南地区高等院校大学生458份婚恋生活态度问卷分析
- She felt a sense of satisfaction and gratitude beyond expression. 她感到非常满意,感激得不知怎么说好。