- The teacher explained the text sentence by sentence. 教师逐句讲解了这篇课文。
- Read after me sentence by sentence. 一句一句跟我读。
- But, decompiler reads it sentence by sentence. 但是,破解软件会逐句的来分析。
- Play again ,check the anwer sentence by sentence . 播放录音机,请学生认真听,然后给这六幅图排序。
- sentence by sentence execution 逐句执行
- I'll read the story sentence by sentence for you to write down. 我把这个故事一句一句地读,你们写下来。
- Try to retell the story sentence by sentence with encourage. 尝试看图复述故事。
- Word by word, sentence by sentence, piece by piece he tore my columns to shreds. 一字一句的将我的文章分开来剖析。
- One should understand word by word and sentence by sentence when learning Chinese. 学习中文,需要逐字逐句地理解。
- Translation should be performed word by word or sentence by sentence, rather the nondescript styles between foreign languages and Chinese than the re-composition. 1925年,他又在?出了象牙塔?后记中写道:“文句仍然是直译,和我历来所取的方法一样;
- When taken sentence by sentence, these details felt a bit too weighty, but as a whole, they were needed to give the story its very believable flavour. 逐句逐句读来,这些细节令人生疲,但正是这些细节赋予了小说那种必不可少的真实的意境。
- See this son through word by word and sentence by sentence hereafter, my heart can't be calm once in a very long while, shock! 逐字逐句地看完这个帖子以后,我的心久久不能平静,震撼啊!
- Hey, this paragraph of word is too fathomless, have civilian the friend helps me sentence by sentence explain, especially those proper-noun. 哎,这段话太难理解了,有民的朋友帮我逐句的解释一下,非凡是那些专有名词。
- Check up and proofread: After initial translation, our professional proof experts check up sentence by sentence to make translated texts perfect. 审校:初译完成后,由本公司专业审校专家对译稿逐句审核校对,使译作更加准确、完善。
- Rub them out and read by yourselves, then check your pronunciation and intonation sentence by sentence according to the tape. Go! 让学生擦去所标重读与语调,先自读,然后跟录音一起读,逐句核对语音语调。
- sentence by sentence syntactic analysis 逐句语法分析
- It makes no sense to translate this sentence by word. 这个句子如果逐字翻译就没有意义了。
- He was first judged with a death sentence by the cancer. 先是被癌症判了死刑。
- I like a sentence by Richter, “Art is the highest form of hope. 我喜欢里希特说过的一句话:“艺术是希望的最高形式。”
- We can begin to answer the question with a sentence by Irving's biographer. 要解答这个问题,首先引用欧文传记作者的一句话。