- separable normed space 可分赋范空间
- We shall prove that the sphere of any infinite-dimensional normed space is invertible. 我们将致力于证明任何无穷维赋范空间的球面皆为可逆。
- In this paper we extend the width problems in normed space to locally convex space and some results are given. 本文将赋范空间中的宽度推广到了局部凸空间;并得到了一些相应的结论.
- The concept of set-valued monotone mapping in Linear2- normed space was introduced, several new propositions concerning were obtained. 在线性2-赋范空间中引入了集值单调映象;并得出了几个有关的新命题.
- Fuzzy normed space theories are important parts in fuzzy analysis,while powerset linear operator is a reasonable form of classic linear operator in fuzzy normed space. 模糊赋范空间理论是模糊分析学的重要组成部分,幂集线性算子则是经典线性算子在模糊赋范空间中的极为合理的表现形式。
- Similarly to the traditional economics approach, the new "marginal utility" was defined as a generalized derivation in the partially ordered normed space. 与传统经济学将边际效用定义为数学分析中的导数类似地, 在泛系经济学中新的边际效用就是定义在赋半序范空间上的泛导(一种广义的导数)。
- This paper studies a fuzzy norm and its stratified properties. The completeness and separability of stratified space of fuzzy normed space are discussed. 摘要研究一类模糊范数及其层次结构性质,对模糊赋范空间的层次空间的完备性、分离性等性质进行了讨论。
- Abstract : In this paper, we show that the isometry between the unit spheres of certain normed space and its dual space can be extended to a real linear isometry on the whole space. 摘要 : 本文证明了在一定条件下赋范线性空间与其共轭空间的单位球面之间的等距算子可以延拓为全空间的实线性等距算子。
- The author illustrates in this article the properties of fuzzy convex cone based on the fuzzy normed space;furthermore, testifies the two relevant propositions in the fuzzy normed space. 在模糊赋范空间的背景上,得到了模糊凸锥的若干性质,同时,还给出了模糊赋范空间中两个相关命题的证明。
- Finally some shortagescurrently available in the study of linear operators defined on probabilistic normed spaces are alsopointed out. 亦指出了在概率赋范空间上线性算子理论研究中目前存在的不足.
- Finally some shortages currently available in the study of linear operators defined on probabilistic normed spaces are also pointed out. 亦指出了在概率赋范空间上线性算子理论研究中目前存在的不足。
- In terms of the metric regularity and two kinds ofderivatives of multifunctions, a summary is given forerror bounds for convexmultifunctions in normed spaces. 通过度量正则性和多值映射的2种导数概述了赋范空间上凸多值映射的误差界.
- Bounded Linear Operators on Fuzzy Normed Space 模糊赋范空间上的有界线性算子
- mtuitionistic Menger normed space 直觉Menger赋范空间
- The lower part of the pipe is separable from the upper part. 管子的下部可与上部分开。
- The main topics are: set theory foundation, Lebesgue measure and Lebesgue integral, basic theories on linear normed spaces and Hilbert spaces and introduction to linear bounded operators. 本课程的基本内容有:一元函数微积分学。
- Abstract: In this paper,a notion on "unit sphere" and "uniformly convex" is introduced in probabilistic normed spaces,it is proved that existence and uniqueness on the optimal approximate element. 文摘:该文在概率赋范空间中引进了"单位球"和"一致凸"的概念,证明了"最佳近似元"的存在性和唯一性。
- Tell that joker to stop using my parking space. 叫那个家伙不要占用我的停车场。
- Grey Incident Degree in Linear Norm Space 赋范空间中的灰色关联度
- Search of knowledge and love of study are in separable. 追求知识与爱好学习是不可分割的。