- C196 is a compiled language which is compatible with ANSI C. C196语言是一种编译型的程序设计语言,具有比较丰富的库函数、运算速度快、编译效率高。
- This linking process merges code from separately compiled source files, along with shared library code, to form an executable program. 这一链接过程将来自独立编译好的各个源文件的代码和共享库代码合并起来,从而形成了一个可执行程序。
- Mathematical operations with this extension are close to what one would expect from a compiled language. 有了该扩展,数学操作就非常接近人们期望从编译语言所获得的功能。
- If you use a utility heavily enough, the cost of writing it in a compiled language might be justified by the performance gain. 如果您对某个实用程序使用得足够频繁,那么用编译型语言来编写它的成本也许能通过性能提升来获得回报。
- A syntax - directed compiling language. 一种语法制导编译语言。
- A syntax-directed compiling language. 一种语法制导编译语言。
- I compiled language curriculum design, with a description and documentation procedures for the source code and executable programs! 是我汇编语言的课程设计,里面有文档说明和程序源代码以及可执行程序!
- An industry standard object-oriented compiled language, formally standardized in 1998, but tracing its history to the early 1980s, with an heritage in C and Simula. 一种工业标准的面向对象的编译语言,于1998 年正式标准化,但是其历史可追溯到二十世纪八十年代早期,它继承了C 和Simula。
- C++ An industry standard object-oriented compiled language, formally standardized in 1998, but tracing its history to the early 1980s, with an heritage in C and Simula. 一种工业标准的面向对象的编译语言,于1998 年正式标准化,但是其历史可追溯到二十世纪八十年代早期,它继承了C 和Simula。
- This is a student achievement management system, using compiled languages. 这是一个学生成绩管理系统,;采用汇编语言编写.
- The language mentioned may be a programming language, a design language, a specification language etc. In the case of programming languages, modules should be separately compilable. 被提到的语言可以是程序语言,设计语言,规格语言等等。在程序语言的情况中,模块应该可以单独编译。
- Today's Internet is a vast collection of HTML,JavaScript and Java on the client side and a ragbag of scripted and compiled languages on the server side. 今天的因特网在客户端是HTML、JavaScript和Java的巨大集合,在服务器端是一堆杂七杂八的脚本语言和编译语言。
- The language defines two broad strategies for instantiating templates: the inclusion model and the separate compilation model. 语言为实例化模板定义了两个主要策略:包含模型和分别编译模型。
- Today's Internet is a vast collection of HTML, JavaScript and Java on the client side and a ragbag of scripted and compiled languages on the server side. 今天的因特网在客户端是html、JavaScript和Java的巨大集合,在服务器端是一堆杂七杂八的脚本语言和编译语言。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- Algol Short for Algorithmic language. A compiler language used mainly for scientific applications in computer. 算法语言是一种组合用的电脑语言,主要在科学方面使用。
- Algol : Short for Algorithmic language. A compiler language used mainly for scientific applications in computer. 算法语言:是一种组合用的电脑语言,主要在科学方面使用。
- Each job is in voiced separately. 每个工种分别开发票。
- The police have compiled a list of suspects. 警方已编制了涉嫌者名单。
- On slave unit,compiling language and the blocking method is used to control the sampling block and serial communication block. 下位机使用汇编语言并以模块化编程思想实现了对采集模块和串行通讯模块的控制。