- sequential by key 按照键标顺序
- See below for two interesting trades by key insiders. 请看下列两笔引人关注的内线人士交易。
- Idioms are arranged alphabetically by key word for easy reference. 为了更好的检索,成语是以关键字按字母排列的。
- The location and parking at the ACC is not easily accessible by key personnel. 机场指挥中心的位置和停车不便于关键人员的进出。
- TrailKey--- draws a trailing brush along a path that you can set by key frames. 可设关键帧的画笔拖尾效果。
- This can be displayed by keying *#6# on the phone. 在手机上键入“*%236%23”就可以显示这个号码。
- A device used to encode data by key depression,which causes generation of the selected code element. 一种用于对数据进行编码的装置,按下键钮就可以产生选定的码元。
- A device used to encode data by key depression, which causes generation of the selected code element. 一种用于对数据进行编码的装置,按下键钮就可以产生选定的码元。
- Discharge of Domestic Pollutants by Key City Key River Basins and Offshore Marine Areas. 重点城市生活污染物排放情况 重点流域及近岸海域统计。
- Supported by Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 国家自然科学基金重点项。
- You can search courses by key area of study, course provider, qualification to be conferred and mode of study, etc. 你可在此根据主要学习范畴、院校、完成课程后可获得的资格及学习模式搜寻有关课程。
- Color coding files by Key Accounts, Key Prospects and Other Active Files will prove useful. 将按颜色来鉴别重要客户,潜在生意客户和其他行为档。
- Operations Guide: Click on the mouse while stocks donated some of the blanks by Key added. 操作指南:鼠标点击送出一批送完了按空格键补充!
- The associative containers support efficient lookup and retrieval of elements by key. 关联容器支持通过键高效地查找和读取元素。
- A specified series of operations, called steps, performed sequentially by SQL Server Agent. SQL Server代理连续执行的一系列指定操作(称为步骤)。
- In addition to the awards collected in the US, DEK has also recently been recognized by key business partner Intel. 除了在美国获得嘉奖,得可最近也获得主要商业合作伙伴英特尔的认可。
- The catalog contains system tables that link together by keys and indexes. 目录包含通过键和索引链接在一起的系统表。
- Additional reports summarize sales by key variables, such as region, product line, and month, sales calls per week, and the number of closed calls. 其他报表按关键变量(如地区、产品系列和月份)、每周的销售电话数以及已关闭电话的数目来汇总销售额。
- Array whose elements are indexed by key rather than positionally. We say that the array maps a key to its associated value. 由键而不是位置来索引元素的数组。通常描述为:此类数组将键映射到其关联的值上。
- He persuaded her to sign the document by guile. 他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。