- serial adder and subtracter 串行加减电路
- The little girl has begun to learn to add and subtract. 这小女孩已在学做加减法了。
- High-speed digit-serial adder and its application. 高速数字串行加法器及其应用。
- The children are learning to add and subtract. 孩子们学做加减法。
- You must learn to add and subtract in arithmetic. 学算术要学会加法和减法。
- The mean value detector comprises a second adder and a multiplier. 平均值检测电路包括第二加法器和乘法器。
- The pupil could add and subtract but hadn't learned to divide. 这名小学生能做加法和减法,但还没学会做除法。
- Then, based on this T gate, the 2-5 mixed-valued ten-valued full adder and full subtracter are designed directly by the truth tables. 然后,在此基础上,按真值表直接设计2-5混值/十值全加器和全减器的运算电路。
- The little girl has begin to learn to add and subtract. 这小女孩已在学做加减法了。
- He could add and subtract, but hadn't learned to divide. 他会做加减法,但还没有学会除法。
- Children should be able to add and subtract in the 3th grade. 孩子在3年级的时候就应该有加减的能力。
- Children should be able to add and subtract in the third grade. 孩子们在三年级应该能做加减法。
- We do addition and subtraction in arithmetic. 在算术里,我们作加减运算。
- My father taught me to do addition and subtraction. 我爸爸教我加减法。
- We have done HSPICE simulation runs of the new style adder, 28-T CMOS full adder and conventional CPL style full adder. 并且通过HSPICE仿真,对28个晶体管的CMOS加法器、传统的CPL加法器和改进型的CPL加法器进行了比较。
- Children learning addition and subtraction. 学习加减发的儿童。
- It's a matter of addition and subtraction. 其实就是人多了和人少了的问题.
- Based on the 18-bit floating number representation, the improved multiplier, division, adder and comparator is given, and then the floating arithmetic is completed. 基于18位自定义浮点数格式给出了改进的乘法器、除法器、加法器和比较器,并在此基础上利用已有的算法结构实现了浮点算法。
- In their first year at school, most children learn to add and subtract. 入学第一年,多数孩子学习加减法。
- The idea that a machine could be built to add and subtract was an early step. 制造一种能进行加减运算的机器的设想是历史的第一步。