- She really created because she wasn't served first. 她的确生气了,因为没有首先为她服务。
- The players spin a racker. The winner of the toss has the right to serve first. 先由运动员旋转球拍,猜胜者有权选择首先发球。
- First comers will be served first. 先到先招待。
- Which dishes would you like to be served first? 我要先上哪道菜?
- Let's toss a coin to determine who serves first. 丢铜板决定谁先发球。
- Whoever comes first will be served first . 谁先到就先给谁办。
- Before commencing play,the opposing sides spin a racket,the winner 0f the toss has the right to serve first. 在比赛前,双方球员旋转球拍猜先,猜先获胜者有权选择先发球。
- You dropped your serve first game in the second. Was that as a result of the anger? Q. 在第二盘的第一局你出现发球的失误。这是生气的表现吗?
- The players spin a racker.The winner of the toss has the right to serve first .The loser has the right to choose ends. 先由运动员旋转球拍,猜胜者有权选择先发球,负者有权选边。
- The winner of the coin toss has the right whether to serve first or receive first. 投掷硬币的胜方有权选择先发球还是先接球。
- The winner of the toss has the choice to serve first or receive first. The loser has the choice of ends. 胜者可以选首先发球或接球,负者可选择后面的。
- Tiger Petroleum insist on “Serve first、collectively develop “belief, have established satisfactory credit on user. 泰格石油本着“服务第一、共同发展”的信念,一路走来己在用户处建立了良好的口碑。
- The first serve was wide, but the second was good. 第一球发得太远了,第二球发得刚刚好
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- Those fellows believe that one can't become a general without having served first as an ensign. 一个没有以少尉身份服兵役的人居然当了将军,对他们来说,几乎是无法想象的。
- With triage, critical patients were served first, however, non-emergent patients may wait. 检伤分类让急重症患者获得优先处理,较不危急的患者就有可能等候。
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。
- He is not the kind of man I'd like to serve under. 我不喜欢在他这种人手下干事。
- Guinness served in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve in World War II, serving first as a seaman in 1941 and being commissioned the following year. 二战时期,吉尼斯在皇家海军志愿后备队中服役,起先是在1941年当上了水手,后来的几年里在海军军官学校学习。
- He prefers to go where he can serve the people. 他宁愿到能为人民服务的地方去。