- His GPA (Grade Point Average) is not very high. 在决定要辍学之前,老师劝他要三思而行。
- I study hard,so my grade point average remains to be the highest in my class. 本人学习刻苦,平均成绩始终保持全班第一。
- I study hard, so my grade point average remains to be the highest in my class. 本人学习刻苦,平均成绩始终保持全班第一。
- One way to stanch inflation is to change the way the grade point average is calculated. 刹住分数膨胀的一个办法是改变计算平均分的方法。
- I got a good average-95 points average. 我的成绩很好,平均95分。
- I got excellent records: 96 points average. 我成绩优秀,平均96分。
- You've turned around your grade point average and are now at the top of the class. 你的平均分数有了大逆转,现在的成绩在班上名列前茅。
- Grade point average (GPA) and academic honors (eg Summa Cum Laude ) can be specified at the time of purchase. 平均成绩(政府采购协定)和学术荣誉(如最优 ) ,可以在指定的时间购买。
- The higher a student’s grade point average (GPA), the more likely he or she is to seek help, Benton says. 她指出,学生的学业总平均成绩越高,就越可能必须寻求帮助。
- Q. You actually serve‑ volleyed about three times today, which was good for grass. 问:你今天好几次发球上网,这在草地上应该很奏效。
- There are, however, requirements on the number, level, nature and Grade Point Average of the credits used for claiming a PCE award. 申请专业进修的学术资格须符合有关学分数目、水平、性质及平均积分点的规定。
- Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves volley sand pitches to the sporting public around the world these days but few viewer scould name the world's fastest racket sport. 为电视转播专门制作的雷达测速仪能为全世界喜欢运动的人们即时显示出发球、接球和投球的时速,但几乎没人能说出世界上最快的球拍类运动是什么。
- Made-for-television radar guns instantly flash the speed of serves volley sand pitches to the sporting public around the world these days but few viewer scould name the world‘s fastest racket sport. 为电视转播专门制作的雷达测速仪能为全世界喜欢运动的人们即时显示出发球、接球和投球的时速,但几乎没人能说出世界上最快的球拍类运动是什么。
- Valen Johnson, a Duke University statistics professor, came under heavy fire from both students and faculty when he proposed recalculating the grade point average to give rigorously graded courses greater weight. 当杜克大学的统计学教授瓦伦·约翰逊提出重新计算平均分以给那些评分严格的课程更大的分量时,遭到了学生和教职员双方的激烈攻击。
- Valen Johnson,a Duke University statistics professor,came under heavy fire from both students and faculty when he proposed recalculating the grade point average to give rigorously graded courses greater weight. 当杜克大学的统计学教授瓦伦·约翰逊提出重新计算平均分以给那些评分严格的课程更大的分量时,遭到了学生和教职员双方的激烈攻击。
- He is an interested party and can not serve on the jury. 他是与案件有关的当事人,不能做陪审团的成员。
- I think it my duty to serve the people. 我认为为人民服务是我的责任。
- It is rare that having a certain college degree or grade point average or that having a certain defined amount of experience is going to be a real discriminator of high performance. 这导致了百分之二十五的数目有所增加高度合格的申请人在非常低的总体成本。它还大大降低了一些不合格的申请人。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。
- Police fired a volley over the heads of the crowd. 警察朝人群上方射出一排子弹。