- Please register in the register-room, right on the 2nd floor of the outpatient service building. 请您先在挂号室挂号,挂号室在我院门诊楼2层。
- For service building façade an integrated LED system could be developed by OMA per clients request. OMA将根据客户要求为服务楼开发一套整体的LED系统。
- This creates the client Web application that will use functions in the class library to access the Web service built above. 此操作将创建使用类库中的函数访问上面生成的Web服务的客户端Web应用程序。
- The mail message is delivered either through the SMTP mail service built into Microsoft Windows 2000 or through an arbitrary SMTP server. 邮件消息是通过内置在Microsoft Windows 2000中的SMTP邮件服务或任意的SMTP服务器来传送的。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- Now the ticket-granting service builds you a mail service ticket, and during this process, creates a new session key for you to share with the mail service. 现在,票据授予服务为你生成了一张邮件服务的票,并且在这个过程中,生成了一个新的你与邮件服务共享的会话密钥。
- Hangzhou Qiantang Advertisement and Decoration Co., Ltd. lies in No.108 Zijinghua Rd., in Xihu Zone (the first floor of Enterprise Service Building in Xihua Zone). 杭州钱塘广告装潢有限公司位于西湖区紫荆花路108号(西湖区企业服务大楼一楼)。
- When you build a decision tree model, Analysis Services builds a separate tree for each predictable attribute. 生成决策树模型时,Analysis Services将为每个可预测属性生成一个单独的树。
- When you build a decision tree model, Analysis Services builds a separate tree for each continuous predictable attribute. 在生成决策树模型时,Analysis Services为每个可预测的连续属性分别生成一个树。
- Work progressed well on the government facilities,including the air traffic control complex and tower,the Government Flying Service Building,an airmail centre,a police station and three fire stations. 新机场政府设施包括空中交通管制中心及控制塔、政府飞行服务队大楼、空邮中心、警署、3间消防局等的工程均有良好进展。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- Work progressed well on the government facilities, including the air traffic control complex and tower, the Government Flying Service Building, an airmail centre, a police station and three fire stations. 新机场政府设施包括空中交通管制中心及控制塔、政府飞行服务队大楼、空邮中心、警署、3间消防局等的工程均有良好进展。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- He paid only lip service to the dictator. 他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者。
- The new Tai Kok Tsui Market is located inside the district's municipal services building. 新落成的大角咀街市位于市政大厦内。
- He was praised for his meritorious service. 他由于出色地工作而受到称赞。
- The new Port House will occupy the site of the technical services building on quay 63. 新的港口众议院将占据该网站的技术服务建设的码头63。
- We attended evensong as well as morning service. 我们参加了晚祷和晨祷。