- An invalid system service was specified in a system service call. 在系统服务调用中指定无效的系统服务。
- Double-click the Web service call you want to place in your application. 双击需要放置在应用程序中的Web服务调用。
- See here, on the bill, we were billed for the same service call twice. 你看,账单上写明了同一个维修服务,你们算了两次费用。
- Understand the processing that occurs when you make a Web service call. 了解进行Web服务调用时发生的处理。
- When on-site service is required, the service call is scheduled automatically. 如需现场服务,将自动安排服务拜访。
- This type of inter-business service call has traditionally been a task that is undertaken at development time. 这种类型的跨商业实体的服务调用在传统上将被视为是开发阶段的任务。
- The client instructs the Begin method to start processing the service call, but return immediately. 客户端指示Begin方法开始对服务调用进行处理,但立即返回。
- You can prevent scheduled operations and Web service calls. 这样可以防止预定操作和Web服务调用。
- Service calls and event notifications are supported. 同时支持服务调用和事件通知。
- The other way of binding parameters to this service call is to explicitly pass them. 另一个绑定参数到这个服务调用的方法就是明确地传送这些参数。
- The department handled 20 899 special service calls in 1997. 年内消防处处理了20899宗特别服务召唤。
- An example would be to incorporate UPS OnLine Tracking tool into your customer service call centre application. 其中一个例子,就是将UPS网上货件追踪工具纳入您的电话客户服务中心应用程式。
- As an XML string before making a Web service call results in better performance. 序列化为XML字符串,然后执行一个Web服务调用,这样可以提高性能。
- If you know that the cache will be invalidated because of an explicit Service call in real time, it's pretty easy. 如果清楚会使快存失效的具体实时调用服务,这就易如反掌。
- Now we discuss how to process the result received from the Web services call. 现在我们讨论一下怎样处理从Web服务调用后接受到的结果。
- In the sample code shown earlier, I asynchronously update Label1 with the result of the Web service call to WebMethod Add. 在前面所示的示例代码中,我通过Web服务调用Web方法Add的结果对Label1进行了异步更新。
- The process that occurs when you make an XML Web service call is similar to the process that occurs when you make a regular method call. 进行XML Web服务调用时发生的过程与进行常规方法调用时发生的过程类似。
- Handler objects are invoked before and after a Web service call to allow extensible pre- and post-invocation processing to occur. 处理程序对象在调用Web服务的前后被调用,以支持可扩展的预调用处理和后调用处理。
- When using a WSDL file, PHP will map the types passed in the Web Service call to the types defined in the WSDL file to create the SOAP message. 使用WSDL文件时,PHP把Web服务调用中传递的类型映射为WSDL文件中定义的类型来创建SOAP消息。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。