- Civil service document is often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people cannot understand. 政府部门的文件中常使用术语,普通人看不懂。
- Civil Service documents are often written in gobbledegook that ordinary people cannot understand. 政府部门的文件中常使用术语,普通人看不懂。
- J.G.Laframboise, Institute for Aerospace Studies Report No.100, University of Toronto, (1966) National Technical Information Service Document NO.AD634596. 潘兴强,兰牟尔探针量测系统发展,国立清华大学系统工程研究所硕士论文,新竹(1997)。
- Risk information is stored in a Windows SharePoint Services document library. 风险信息将存储在Windows SharePoint Services文档库中。
- Cooperating and managing the onsite work, responsible for explaining and translating information of service documents. 协调与管理现场工作;负责售后服务相关资料的解释或翻译;
- These data access methods include WebReady Document Viewing, direct file access, and access to Windows SharePoint Services document libraries and Windows file shares. 这些数据访问方法包括WebReady文档查看、直接文件访问以及对Windows SharePoint Services文档库和Windows文件共享的访问。
- Users can browse the contents and hierarchies on Windows network file shares and Windows SharePoint Services document libraries through Outlook Web Access. 用户可以通过Outlook Web Access浏览Windows网络文件共享和Windows SharePoint Services文档库中的内容和层次结构。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- MacDonald repeatedly leaked internal Fish and Wildlife Service documents to business groups who opposed the Service and its environmental decision making in court. 麦当诺多次将鱼类暨野生动物管理局内部文件洩漏给反对此机构,以及反对法院裁定之环保决议的企业团体。
- Support for the maintenance service documentation and records development of customer’s systems & equipments, in line with current legislative and/or customers’ standards. 支持客户的系统及设备维修服务的文档及记录的发展,要符合现行的法律标准和/或客户标准。
- The SQL full-text syntax supported by Indexing Service is defined in the Index Server Programmer's Guide found either on the Microsoft Development Network or in the Indexing Service documentation. 索引服务支持的SQL全文语法在《索引服务器程序员的指南》中定义;该指南可在Microsoft Development Network或Windows NT 4.;0 Option Pack的索引服务文档中找到。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- He paid only lip service to the dictator. 他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者。
- He was praised for his meritorious service. 他由于出色地工作而受到称赞。
- We attended evensong as well as morning service. 我们参加了晚祷和晨祷。
- He was rewarded in recognition of his service. 他的贡献得到认可而受到嘉奖。
- Mr Perkins will take the evening service. 珀金斯先生将主持晚礼拜。