- Specifies the remote service binding on which the permission is being denied. 指定拒绝将其权限授予他人的远程服务绑定。
- Since we had all of the service binding information during deployment, we used static binding for the OTMPS example. 由于在部署过程中我们已经有了所有的服务绑定信息,所以在OTMPS实例中使用静态绑定。
- Use this property to return the name of the assembly that the native image generation service binds to. 使用此属性可返回本机映像生成服务所绑定到的程序集的名称。
- The directory service binding must be renegotiated due to a change in the server extensions information. 由于服务器扩展名信息改变,目录服务绑定必须重新协商。
- In the simple case of simple indirection,the hosted bindingTemplate is simply referenced by the original service binding. 在简单间接模式中,描述最终服务的bindingTemplate将简单地被初始的服务绑定所引用。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- This remote service binding specifies the local user that owns the certificate that corresponds to the private key in the remote database. 远程服务绑定指定拥有与远程数据库中的私钥相对应的证书的本地用户。
- The user that executes the ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING statement must have impersonate permission for the user specified in the statement. 执行ALTER REMOTE SERVICE BINDING语句的用户必须具有该语句中所指定用户的模拟权限。
- In the simple case of simple indirection, the hosted bindingTemplate is simply referenced by the original service binding. 在简单间接模式中,描述最终服务的bindingtemplate将简单地被初始的服务绑定所引用。
- To bind into the service of another by indenture. 以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务
- An alternative to creating a certificate and a remote service binding is to use SQL Server security to establish a trust relationship between the two databases. 创建证书和远程服务绑定的另一方法是使用SQL Server安全模型建立两个数据库之间的信任关系。
- SQL Server uses dialog security for any conversation to a service for which a remote service binding exists in the database that hosts the initiating service. 如果承载发起服务的数据库中存在某服务的远程服务绑定,那么,SQL Server对与该服务的任何会话均使用对话安全模式。
- For a conversation that uses full security, the connection on each side of the conversation acts with the permissions of the user that is specified in the remote service binding. 对于使用完全安全模式的会话,各会话端的连接在运行时具有远程服务绑定中指定的用户的权限。
- The administrator also creates a remote service binding for each vendor that associates the name of the vendor service with the user created for the vendor. 管理员还为每个供应商创建一个远程服务绑定,在该绑定中将供应商服务的名称与为该供应商创建的用户相关联。
- Component to bind to a Web service. 组件来绑定到Web服务。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- If the fingerprint in the indirect binding is the same as the fingerprint found in the service binding, then the accessPoint on the indirect binding should be used to contact the web service. 如果这个间接绑定的技术指纹与服务绑定的技术指纹是一样的,那么这个间接绑定中的accessPoint就可以用来与最终的Web服务交互。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。