- set yourselves right withvt. 辩白自己
- set yourselves rightvt. 辩白自己
- Can you attain the goal you have set yourselves? 你们是否能够达到你们的目的?
- But you have set yourselves up against me, and reprove me with my reproaches. 如果你们真要对我自夸,证明我的丑恶,
- Comrades, read only choice books; and what is more, learn how to read before you set yourselves at the task of reading. 同志们,读最好的书; 更重要的是,在着手读之前,先要知道如何去读。
- This anomaly was set right with the introduction of this offset. 这种不合常理的现象是一套权利与引入这种抵消。
- Would sometime later be all right with you? 晚些时候你行吗?
- Is seven o'clock all right with you? 你看七点钟行吗?
- Would Monday morning be all right with you? 星期一上午可以吗?
- Would tomorrow morning be all right with you? 明天上午可以吗?
- Will some time late be all right with you ? 晚些时候你行吗?
- Comrades,read only choice books; and what is more,learn how to read before you set yourselves at the task of reading. 同志们,读最好的书;更重要的是,在着手读之前,先要知道如何去读。
- Would next Tuesday 16:00 be all right with you? 下星期二,4点好吗?
- If it's all right with you,I'll come in an hour. 如果你觉得方便的话,我一小时后再来。
- That is all right with you, Jane? 你看这不错吧,简?
- Wait a few minutes and I'll be right with you. 请等一下,我想和你一道去。
- I'll be right with you(= I am coming very soon). 我这就过来。
- put yourselves right withvt. 辩白自己
- Don't confound right with wrong! 不要混淆是非!
- As long as one learns it diligently, studies it refinedly, capture investment opportunities, effectively( must set yourselves stable rules) manage risk(Institute of stop-loss), everyone can do it. 只要勤与学,精与研,捕捉投资机会,有效(必须给自己定下铁的规矩)控制风险(学会止损)大家都能做得到。