- By a humble spark a town is set on fire. 星星之火,可焚城。
- To set on fire; ignite or kindle. 点燃;使燃烧或打火
- The building was set on fire yesterday. 这座大楼昨天着火了。
- Six hundred Viking boats attacked Hamburg, which was set on fire. 600艘海盗船袭击汉堡,汉堡惨遭焚烧。
- Two passenger cars were set on fire outside the hotel. 酒店外面,两个轿车烧了起来。
- I think we've walked past the one that's been set on fire. 我认为,我们刚从一个情绪激动的人旁边经过。
- The blaze was fanned by a stiff breeze and soon all the farm were set on fire. 大火被狂风越刮越猛,很快农场所有的建筑物都燃烧起来。
- Motorbikes were set on fire, sending bursts of bright flame skyward. 摩托车被点燃,耀眼的火焰冲天而起。
- Berlin police alone arrested 289 protesters as cars were set on fire. 德国示威者点火烧毁汽车,柏林警方逮捕了289人。
- The river crossings seized, the marshes set on fire, and the soldiers terrified. 渡口被占据了,苇塘被火烧了,兵丁也惊慌了。
- In 1871, during the short-lived Paris Commune, Notre Dame was almost set on fire. 在1871年,在短命的巴黎公社执政期间,圣母院几乎被焚毁。
- In one shop, five girls, one of them an ethnic Tibetan, were set on fire and killed. 在一家商店里,五名女孩子被放火烧死,其中一人就是藏族同胞。
- One unconfirmed report says that at least one police vehicle has been set on fire. 另有一个未经证实的报告说,至少有一辆警车被烧。
- He set his house on fire before he took to flight. 他逃跑前,放火烧了自己的房子。
- The English ships that were deliberately set on fire sailed rapidly into the Spanish Armada with devastating effects. 英国船舰故意纵火并迅速冲向西班牙的无敌舰队,对敌造成毁灭性后果。
- In this way we lived a Samoan life: chopping wood sticks, setting on fire, eating reindeer with Italian pastas and sauna bathing. 于是我们过上了萨米人的生活,劈柴、生火、吃驯鹿肉配意大利面,还有桑拿。
- The previous day, about 250 militants attacked two terminals in Peshawar, setting on fire 89 trucks and 89 jeeps meant for troops in Afghanistan. 前一天,大约250名武装分子袭击了位于白沙瓦的两个集装箱堆场,烧了89辆卡车和89辆吉普,这些车辆原先都是为了增援阿富汗境内的北约部队的。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- That new fashion caught on like a house on fire. 那种新款式很快就流行起来了。
- Firemen reached the house on fire in time. 消防队员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。