- When will you set price upon it? 你们什么时候可以定出价钱?
- It is not Government's role,nor wish to set prices. 这不是由政府来厘定,我们亦不愿意这样做。
- When will you set price on it? 你们什么时候可以定出价钱?
- For a large company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock issue at a set price. 对于一家大公司来说,投资银行往往同意保证以规定价格购买其新发行的股票。
- It pays farmers an amount based on a set price for their crop and the number of hectares they have. 支付农民的费用,按作物的价格和种植面积有多少。
- The exclusive right, usually obtained for a fee, to buy or sell something within a specified time at a set price. 排它性购买权或销售权:在一定时限内按规定价格买卖某物的排它性权利,通常付出一定费用而获得。
- To his intimiste studies of boudoir and bathtub, the artist has added a range of more public set price. 威尼斯是世界上被频繁绘制成油画作品的城市之一,这一点加大了他的绘画难度。
- It is not Government's role, nor wish to set prices. 楼价不是由政府来厘定,我们亦不愿意这样做。
- If deliberately destroys, steals, besides legally deals with severely, and according to the set price compensates enjoys. 如蓄意破坏;盗取本设备者;除依法严办外;并照价赔赏.
- Choose from an official taxi counter, where you pay a set price in advance, or walk across the airport car park and hail a metered cab. 选择从一个正式出租汽车柜台, 您事先支付集合价格, 或走横跨机场停车场和称赞测量的小室。
- And horses were brought for Solomon out of Egypt, and Coa: for the king's merchants brought them out of Coa, and bought them at a set price. 撒罗满所有的马,都是慕兹黎和科厄运来的,是君王的商人付出定价,从科厄买来的。
- Market forces still set prices.But, before the crop is ever harvested, a farmer can buy a contract giving the right to sell an amount of the crop at a set price. 市场力量依旧决定其价格,但是,收割作物之前,农民能够通过合同按照设定的价格卖产品。
- A price of $1000 was set on the jewel thief's head. 悬赏1000美元抓住这个珠宝窃贼。
- The raw aterials (including indirect materials and packaging materials) and equipments without setting price that are needed to be imported for the processing trade shall be exempt from customs duty. 加工贸易项目所需进口的原材料(包括辅料和包装物料)、不作价设备,免征关税。
- It is now our aim to set up a factory. 我们现在的目的是创办一座工厂。
- Its responsibilities include setting prices as well as rules for working conditions and wages. 它的职责包括设定价格以及劳动工资和劳动条件的规则。
- Accurate configuration has cigarette machine, Faust to light gas cooking stove, birdbath, bibcock, entrance mesa, complete set price is in 2300-2800 yuan between, convenient and practical. 准配置有烟机、浮士德燃气灶、水盆、龙头,进口台面等,全套价格在2300-2800元之间,方便实用。
- Premier listens this word, can't help greatly surprise, paid a carfare except according to the set price then besides, awarded the fee with his considerable brushstroke heavily again. 首相一听这话,不禁大为惊喜,于是除照价付了车资之外,又重重赏了他一笔可观的小费。
- Structurally, setting prices once a year in closed negotiations looks anachronistic in a world of liquid futures markets and globalized steelmaking. 从结构上来说,在当今这个期货市场流动性强和炼钢业务全球化的世界,每年一度的闭门定价谈判似乎有点逆潮流。
- She had the sapphire set in a gold ring. 她把那枚蓝宝石镶在金戒指上了。