- What's new is 1.2 million in severance pay. 而更新的消息是,还包括一百二十万美元的遣散费。
- Molly : Did the boss give you severance pay? 莫莉:老板给你解雇费了吗?
- Do you know how many months severance pay the company offers? 你知道公司给的资遣费有几个月吗?
- Is severance pay required where employment contracts end? 终止是否应当支付经济补偿金?
- Those laid off received their regular checks, plus vacation and severance pay. 那些被裁的人都收到他们应得的薪金,再加上假期和解职的酬金。
- Gordon: He was in a pinch, so he only gave me two-week severance pay. 戈登:他现在正处于困难时期,所以他只给了我两个星期的解雇费。
- If you still want money, then it isn't an alimoney, it's severance pay. 如果你坚持要钱的话,那也不是赡养费而是遣散费。
- Yes. Well, at least I had one month's warning and my severance pay is already in the bank. 对,嗯,至少我一个月前收到通知了,而且我的遣散费已经在银行里了。
- Admiralty, bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken. Most of these cases relate to employees' wages and severance pay. 民事法律援助也适用于海事、破产及公司清盘等案件,其中大部分为雇员追讨工资及遣散费案件。
- The Company will offer severance pay, benefits continuation and outplacement assistance to employees. 该公司将提供遣散费,福利和就业援助,继续向雇员。
- Admiralty,bankruptcy and company winding-up proceedings are also undertaken. Most of these cases relate to employees'wages and severance pay. 民事法律援助也适用于海事、破产及公司清盘等案件,其中大部分为雇员追讨工资及遣散费案件。
- This is because of stipulations about what employers have to provide in severance pay and medical, retirement and housing benefits. 这是因为新劳动法规定雇主需要提供遣散费和医疗、养老保险以及住房公积金等福利。
- Business and union leaders were able to reach a deal with Bank of America and JPMorgan Chase to provide $1.75 million for employees' severance pay. 公司和工会领导人和美国银行、摩根大通达成一致,提供175万美元的员工辞退补偿金。
- Business Union leaders were able to reach a deal with Bank of America and GP Morgan Chase to provide 1.75 million dollars for employees' severance pay. 工会领导人与美洲银行、摩根斯坦利达成一项协议,为工人提供175万美元的解雇费。
- According to a report in the official Guangzhou Daily, workers ransacked the factory's offices and overturned police vehicles in a dispute over severance pay. 据官方媒体广州日报的一篇报道称,由于在解雇补偿费问题上出现争议,工人们袭击了工厂办公室,并掀翻警车。
- It is the first time that the National People s Congress Standing Committee, has ruled on open-ended work contracts and severance pay for fired workers. 这是全国人大第一次以法律形式明确提出“无固定期限劳动合同”概念,同时规定必须依法向被辞退的劳动者支付补偿金。
- If relevant provisions of this Law require the Employer to pay severance pay, it shall pay the same upon completion of the procedures for the handover of the work. 用人单位依照本法有关规定应当向劳动者支付经济补偿的,在办结工作交接时支付。
- ESPN, a cable sports channel, has erected several pay walls on its website. ESPN,一个有线体育频道,在其官网上也建立了几道收费关卡。
- CTG management said it would release a redundancy plan, which affects only staff at the China Times at this stage, and details about severance pay on July 7, the ATJ reports. 根据台湾记协指出,中时高层表示将拟定裁员计画,且这次裁员仅限于中国时报,裁员名单与资遣内容将于七月七日公布。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。