- Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang canceled a trip to Chad Sunday after Taipei severed diplomatic ties with the country upon learning of Chad's plans. 台湾在得知乍得的计划之后断绝了和乍得的外交关系。台湾行政院长苏贞昌星期天取消了对乍得进行访问的计划。
- China severs diplomatic ties with Kiribati 中国和基里巴斯断绝外交关系
- Libya has diplomatic ties with Beijing, and not Taiwan. 利比亚与北京方面有外交关系,与台湾没有外交关系。
- severe diplomatic ties with 断绝外交关系
- Relations between Taiwan and countries maintaining diplomatic ties with China. (一)与中国建交国同台湾的关系问题。
- Most Iranian want talks on renewing diplomatic ties with the United States. 多数伊朗人喜欢通过会谈,来恢复同美国的外交关系。 (渴望这样一个关于恢复同美国外交关系的会谈)
- Various Austrian parties also welcomed Israel's readiness to normalize its diplomatic ties with Austria. 奥地利各政党都对以准备同奥恢复正常外交关系表示欢迎。
- Turkey has no diplomatic ties with Armenia and refuses to open its border with the landlocked ex-Soviet republic. 土耳其与亚美尼亚没有外交关系,并拒绝开放他们与内陆前苏联共和国的边境。
- Iran, another U.S. rival, is an OIC member but doesn’t have diplomatic ties with Washington. 作为美国的另一个竞争对手伊朗虽然身为该组织成员国,但与华盛顿没有外交联系。
- "But it’s nothing to do with Israel's efforts to open diplomatic ties with Indonesia," he averred. “但以色列并没有就改善印以关系做出任何努力。”
- That's a problem because the Muslim countries that have offered to send troops do not have diplomatic ties with Israel. 这是问题,因为穆斯林与以色列没有外交关系的国家已经表示愿意出兵。
- She had to sever all ties with her parents. 她不得不断绝与父母的一切联系。
- To steer clear of suspicion,Singapore established diplomatic ties with China only after all the other Asean countries had done so. 为了避嫌,我们是亚细安国家中最迟与中国建交的一个。
- To steer clear of suspicion,Singapore established diplomatic ties with China only after all the other Asian countries had done so. 为了避嫌,我们是亚细安国家中最迟与中国建交的一个。
- Britain says it has frozen diplomatic ties with Iran on all other issues-- until Tehran frees15 British naval personnel it captured on Friday. 英国表示,英国已经冻结了与伊朗在其他问题上的外交联系,直到德黑兰释放上星期五扣押的15名英国海军人员为止。
- To steer clear of suspicion, Singapore established diplomatic ties with China only after all the other Asian countries had done so. 为了避嫌,我们是亚细安国家中最迟与中国建交的一个。
- Before departing for Beijing this time, he said establishing diplomatic ties with China was the "wisest" decision he had ever made. 这次起程来中国之前,他说与中国建立外交关系是他曾经做出的最明智选择。
- China and Taiwan split in1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. 中国和台湾于一次内战中在1949年分裂,北京称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个叛乱省份,不能与其他国家有外交关系。
- Gradually the country has gained recognition as such, by establishing diplomatic ties with other countries, and by receiving dignitaries from other nations. 通过与其他国家建立外交关系,接见其他国家派来的公使,梵蒂冈逐步地得到承认。
- China and Taiwan split in 1949 amid a civil war, and Beijing claims the democratically run island is a renegade province that should not have diplomatic ties with other countries. 中国和台湾在内战中于1949年分裂,北京宣称这个实行民主的岛屿是一个变节的省份,不应当与别的国家有外交关系。