- severe growth retardation 严重生长迟缓
- Objective To study the relationship between severe intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy(ICP) and fetal growth retardation(FGR). 目的探讨重度妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症(ICP)与胎儿生长受限(FGR)的关系。
- Many factors can lead to growth retardation in unborn babies. 许多因素可以导致胎儿发育迟缓。
- In addition, 4 patients presented with growth retardation. 此外,4例患者表现出生长落后。
- The data showed that patients with severe PIH were easy to suffer from abruptio,placentae intrauter-ine growth retardation(IUGR), fetal distress and acute left heart failure. 资料显示重度妊高征患者易合并胎盘早剥、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、胎儿宫内窘迫和急性左心衰。
- This metabolic disease typically manifests during the 1st year of life, with severe hypoglycemia, hepatomegaly, growth retardation, hyperlipidemia and hyperuricemia and so on. 结果表明,绝大部分患儿在婴儿期起病,最常见的症状为:低血糖、肝脏增大、体格发育落后、易感染及高脂血症、高尿酸血症等。
- Severe protein malnutrition, especially in children after weaning, characterized by lethargy, growth retardation, anemia, edema, potbelly, depigmentation of the skin, and loss of hair or change in hair color. 严重营养不良病严重的蛋白质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤色素消失、脱发或毛发变色
- Severe protein malnutrition,especially in children after weaning,characterized by lethargy,growth retardation,anemia,edema,potbelly,depigmentation of the skin,and loss of hair or change in hair color. 严重营养不良病严重的蛋白质缺乏症,尤见于刚断奶的儿童,症状为嗜睡、生长迟缓、贫血、水肿、腹部肿大、皮肤色素消失、脱发或毛发变色。
- Effect of several growth retardants on the florists cineraria growth 几种生长延缓剂对瓜叶菊生长发育的影响
- Growth retardation of SGA probably may be related to continued damage GH-IGF-1 axis. 小于胎龄儿的生长落后可能与GH-IGF-1轴持续受损有关。
- Dwarfism: Growth retardation resulting in abnormally short adult stature. It is caused by a variety of hereditary and metabolic disorders. 侏儒症:生长停滞以致不能达到正常成人身材的一种症状,由多种遗传性及代谢性疾病造成。
- The neonatal Apgar score, intrauterine growth retardation ,7 d survival rate,and maternal plasma protein of the 2 groups were analyzed. 观察 2组新生儿出生时的Apgar评分、胎儿宫内发育迟缓、7d内新生儿存活与血浆蛋白情况。
- Objective: To study the relationship between the intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) and the fetal growth retardation (FGR). 目的 :探讨妊娠肝内胆汁淤积症 (ICP)与胎儿生长受限 (FGR)的关系。
- Objective: To evaluate the role of lipid peroxide (LPO) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) in the intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). 目的探讨过氧化脂质(LPO)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与胎儿宫内生长迟缓(IUGR)的关系。
- Objective: To probe into the clinical value of color doppler ultrasound in the early diagnosis of intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR) . 目的:探讨彩色多普勒监测胎儿宫内生长迟缓的临床实用价值。
- Sabeer.Dr.Selaraj agrees that patients with hypothyroidism hae a higher incidence of abortions, pre-eclampsia and intrauterine growth retardation. 她也认同这样的看法,即甲状腺机能减退病人更容易出现流产、先兆子痫和胎儿宫内生长迟缓。
- This review is about the relationship between human growth retardation , craniofacial growth and GHR gene mutation.It also illuminates the... 本文就GHR基因异常与人体生长障碍以及颅面发育的关系作一分析,同时阐述GHR基因研究对人体生长以及颅面发育的生理病理过程的重要意义。
- Viruses are the most major pathogens of shrimp, and they can induce high morbidity, mortality and growth retardation in cultured shrimp. 病毒为虾病最主要的病原之一,不仅具有高发病率及高死亡率,且会造成虾类生长迟缓。
- Wen LZ, Xiong JW.The pathophysiological change in the fetal growth retardation[J].Chin J Pract Gynecol Obstet,2002, 18(1): 4-5. [5]闻良珍;熊锦文.;胎儿宫内发育迟缓的病理生理变化[J]
- Growth retardation with body weight and length below the third percentile, and head girth below the tenth percentile, were noted on admission. 其理学检查发现有生长迟滞的现象,身长及体重均小于第三百分比,头围则约第十百分比;