- Mammals normally have two sex chromosomes. 哺乳动物正常情况下有两种性染色体。
- But unlike humans, the X and Y are not sex chromosomes. 但是与人类不同的是,其X与Y染色体却不是性染色体。
- Homogametic sex The sex with homologous sex chromosomes, in mammals, designated XX. 同配性别:指有相同性染色体的性别,在哺乳动物中,它用XX来表示。
- Humans have 22 chromosome pairs plus two sex chromosomes. 除了两个性染色体之外,人体有22对染色体。
- From the cytogenetic perspective, only a small proportion of fish species have heteromorphic sex chromosomes. 几十年的细胞遗传学研究表明,鱼类性别决定几乎包括了动物的所有性染色体类型。
- Karyotype reveal that in most cells all but sex chromosomes are present as two copies, referred to as homologous pairs. 除了性染色体外,大多数细胞的染色体组成对出现,称同源染色体对。
- We analysed the karyotype and had a discussion on the sex chromosomes of Elaphodus cephalophus. 本文通过核型分析,对毛冠鹿的性染色体进行了初步的探讨。
- A chromosome that is not a sex chromosome. 常染色体非性染色体的一个常染色体
- The researchers revealed the animal has 52 chromosomes, including 10 sex chromosomes. 研究人员发现,鸭嘴兽有52条染色体,其中10条为性染色体。
- While humans have two sex chromosomes, the X and Y, the platypus has 10, with five of each kind. 最近,鸭嘴兽基因序列的解读最终揭开了这种神秘生物的秘密:它比我们想象的还要古怪神奇。
- Among them,the detection rate of abnormal sex chromosomes was hiighest,ac-counting for 92.5%. 6%25,其中性染色体异常检出率最高,占92。5%25。
- In diploid cells, there is a pair of sex chromosomes;the remainder are termed autosomes. 在二倍体细胞中,有一对性染色体,其余的都是常染色体。
- Comparisions of the morphology and the pairing of sex chromosomes during meiotic prophasc between the tree shrew and other primates are made and discussed in this paper. 性染色体联会复合体的形态和行为与灵长类的十分相似,并对此进行了比较和讨论。
- Objective: To observe the segregation of sex chromosomes in the spermatozoa of a 46, XY/47, XXY patient with oligozoospermia. 目的:观察1例46,XY/47,XXY少精子症患者精子性染色体分离的情况。
- Further examinations revealed the gold particles representing actin in SCs of autosomes and sex chromosomes and also in SCs of zygotene and pachytene. 观察到,常染色体SC和性染色体SC以及偶线期和粗线期SC中都含有肌动蛋白,肌动蛋白分布于SC的端部和侧生组分上,代表肌动蛋白的胶体金颗粒在SC上往往成簇存在。
- But sometimes a person has an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, which can result in various disorders that range in severity. 但有一些人的性染色体数量发生异常,按异常的严重程度可分类不同的类型。
- Several disorders are associated with an abnormal number of sex chromosomes, including Turner's syndrome and Klinefelter's syndrome. 若干种疾病与性染色体数目异常有关,例如特纳氏症候群和克兰费尔特氏症候群。
- At the beginning of the century, scientists thought they knew everything about genetic patterns.As long as they could control the sex chromosomes, they could control the species. 在本世纪初,科学家以为对生物遗传的机制已经瞭若指掌,只要控制性染色体,就可以控制物种。
- The results showed that a recessive sexlinked gene id existed on sex chromosomes of Taihe chicken, Gushi chicken and Langshan chicken, while a dominant repressive gene Id exixted on those of Xiaoshan chicken. 试验结果表明 :泰和鸡、固始鸡、狼山鸡 ( N系 ) 3个鸡种性染色体上含有隐性伴性基因 id,萧山鸡性染色体上含有显性抑制基因 Id。
- Heterogametic sex The sex with dissimilar sex chromosomes, one (in mammals the Y chromosome)being shorter than the other(the X chromosome). 异配性别:具有不相同的性染色体,一条(哺乳类中为Y染色体)比另一条(X染色体)短一些。