- Children are trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. 儿童被以进行商业化性剥削为目的而遭到贩运。
- Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban. 援救工作者报告说,在约翰内斯堡和德班的临时庇护地点不断发生强奸和性剥削案件。
- Others say that there's a fine line between the pageants and sexual exploitation. 其他人说,选美和性剥削之间只有非常细微的界线。
- UN policy prohibits all personnel from engaging in sexual exploitation abuse for prostitution. 联合国政策禁止任何工作人员参与与卖淫有关的性剥削。
- These are tough calls the media will increasingly have to make in this new civil law arena of sexual assault and sexual exploitation. 这些是媒体在性骚扰和性侵犯的民法领域必将主张的强硬立场。
- In 1997, Haugen founded International Justice Mission to rescue victims of violence, sexual exploitation, slavery, and oppression. 1997年,豪盾创立了国际正义使命团,解救遭遇暴力、性剥削、奴役和压制的受害者。
- Similarly, mistletoe, when used in the casting of Wiccan or Druidic spells, could render a woman helpless and open to sexual exploitation. 同样的,槲寄生在用于施巫术或德鲁依咒语时,可让妇女无助和乐于性关系。
- Singer Ricky Martin holds babies at a shelter for victimsmof sexual exploitation in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on March 29, 2008. 三月二十九日,歌手瑞奇.马汀在柬埔寨暹粒一处性剥削受害者收容所内手抱两名婴儿。
- Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring and add hock shouters at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban. 救援人员报告了强奸和性剥夺时有发生,尤其是在约翰内斯堡和德班的避难所。
- Occasionally, some of these groups demand an end to the “commercial sexual exploitation of children”, but this obfuscates the issue. 有时候,其中一些组织要求终止“对儿童的以盈利为目的的性剥削”,但是,这种要求会混淆这个目标。
- Singer Ricky Martin holds babies at a shelter for victims of sexual exploitation in Siem Reap, Cambodia, on March 29, 2008. 三月二十九日,歌手瑞奇.马汀在柬埔寨暹粒一处性剥削受害者收容所内手抱两名婴儿。
- Taiwan has a statute that specifically penalizes trafficking in children for sexual exploitation, and it has other statutes that criminalize general trafficking activities. 台湾有专门惩罚贩运儿童进行性剥削的法规,也有将一般的拐卖人口活动定罪的法规。
- As a result, it says these places are becoming increasingly dangerous.Aid workers report rapes and sexual exploitation are occurring at ad hoc shelters in Johannesburg and Durban. 结果是,这些地区变得十分的危险,援助工人报告说强奸及性侵犯已经发生在J及D的避难所。
- Often the result is criminality, sexual exploitation, joblessness, aid dependency and a greater chance of being dragged into war, say the authors of a recent paper. 近来一份论文[原文注]的作者指出:这一做法所导致的通常结果便是犯罪、性剥削、失业、援助依赖以及被卷入战火的更大可能。
- The lawsuit follows a letter-writing campaign to the Dalai Lama by American women concerned about alleged sexual exploitation by Rinpoche and several lesser-known Tibetan lamas. 这宗法律诉讼案件是紧跟在一项写信给达赖喇嘛揭发索甲仁波切与其它西藏喇嘛性剥削与性侵犯事件运动后所提出的。
- The U.S. report also indicated Indonesia was a source, transit and destination country for women, children and men trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor. 报告上并指出,印尼是贩运妇女小孩和男人的来源、转运和目的地,受害者通常被卖为性交易者或劳工。
- Leave the country whose tabloid press details withrelish his sexual exploits with call girls and starlets? 离开那些曾经报道过他召妓和与女明星性丑闻的城市?
- The woman decided to base a civil suit on a section of Minnesota's 1986 Vulnerable Adults Act pertaining to counselors and therapists who sexually exploit clients. 该妇女决定根据适用于药品顾问和临床医师性骚扰顾客的1986明尼苏达易受伤害成人法案来提起民事诉讼。
- US Lawmakers to Vote on Sexual Exploitation Bill 美国立法者对性剥削法案进行表决
- Do you think sexual act outside marriage is wrong? 你认为婚外性行为是不对的吗?