- Girls become sexually mature earlier than boys. 女孩比男孩性成熟早。
- A young animal that has not reached sexual maturity. 幼雏还未达到性别成熟期的幼小动物
- An insect in its sexually mature adult stage after metamorphosis. 成虫蜕变后处在性成熟状态的昆虫
- Sexually mature and attractive. Used of young women. 性成熟的性机能发育成熟的,性感的。用于年轻女子
- In general, women's body fat at least 17%, to be sexually mature. 一般来说,女子体内脂肪至少要达到17%25时,才能促使性成熟。
- The attainment of sexual maturity by an organism still in its larval stage. 幼期性成熟有机体仍处于幼虫阶段已达到性成熟
- The 3n ASCC fed in pond can not only rearch sexual maturity ,but be reproduced. 池塘中饲养的雄核发育异育银鲫性腺不仅能成熟,而且也能生殖。
- The desire and ability to carry out a complete act of mating is typical of sexually mature males. 性欲和进行完整的交配动作的能力是公畜性成熟的象征。
- Sexually mature sturgeons taken from the wild are kept at the hatchery to provide eggs for breeding. 从野外捕获的性已经发育成熟的中华鲟保存在孵化设备里,为繁殖提供所需的卵。
- Sexually mature males of all species are always potent, and all nonpregnant females have a monthly menstrual cycle. 性成熟后,所有种的雄猴任何时候均具性能力,雌猴则每月有规则经期。
- He listed many characters where "Man, in his bodily development, is a primate foetus that has become sexually mature". 他列举了许多特性,说明“在人类身体的发育中,人是已经成为性成熟的灵长类胎儿”。
- So the blood will also be studied for hormones, to help determine if Ralph is beginning to sexually mature. 因此对血液中的荷尔蒙也要研究,帮助测定拉尔夫是否开始性成熟了。
- She matured her novel by constant revision. 她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。
- The female dog reaches sexual maturity at 6-8 months of age, and has two estrus cycles per year. 母狗在6-8月达到性成熟,而且每年有二次发情期。
- The female wolf reaches sexual maturity at 2-4 years and has one estrus cycle per year, in February or March. 母狼2-4年才达成性成熟而且每年只有一次发情周期,在每年的二月或三月。
- His character has greatly matured in the years. 这些年他的性格已大大成熟。
- In my experience , a small sexually mature male is more likely to be an effective breeder than a larger more powerful male. 根据我的经验,身材精壮一点的雄性红尾蟒比身材肥长凶猛的雄性红尾蟒更容易交配成功。
- In addition to estrogens (and androgens), the ovaries of a sexually mature female also produce a hormone called progesterone. 除了雌激素(和雄激素)以外,性成熟妇女的卵巢也生产一种叫孕激素的激素。
- Her character matured during these years. 这些年里她的品性已趋成熟。
- Her responsibilities matured her at an early age. 她肩负的责任使她早熟。