- By using the ship model and Ag/AgCl electric pole, the extremely low frequency electric field produced by corrosion current modulated by shaft rotation in sea water was measured in the laboratory. 文中利用船模和Ag/AgCl电极在实验室具体测量了螺旋桨转动时调制船模在海水中的腐蚀电流而产生的极低频电场。
- shaft - frequency electric field 轴频电场
- According to comparative tests,treating cement slurry with high frequency electric field can enhance the strength of cement bond by 11 7%. 通过对比试验得知,高频电场处理水泥浆可使水泥石强度提高11.7%25。
- When high frequency electric field is placed in electron water treatment device,the water system absorbs enegy.The structure of water molecules and nature of solation are changed. 电子水处理器产生的高频电场,使水系统吸收能量,从而使水的分子结构及水溶液的性质发生变化。
- working frequency electric field 工频电场
- ship axle frequency electric field 舰船轴频电场
- power frequency electric field intensity 工频电场强度
- power frequency electric field intensity (EFI) 工频电场强度
- extremely low frequency electric field 极低频电场
- ultra high frequency electrical field 超高频电场
- Ship Axle Frequency Electric Field Simulation System Based on to Contract Than Model Theory 基于缩比模型理论的舰船轴频电场仿真系统
- Mathematical Model of the Power Frequency Electric Field under High Voltage Over head Line 高压架空输电线下工频电场的数学模型
- The R-rays are not affected by an electric field. R射线不受电场的影响。
- So far we have considered the electric field only. 以上我们仅仅讨论了电场。
- Theoretical Calculation of Power- frequency Electric Field under Double Circuit Transmission Line on Same Tower 同塔双回输电线下空间工频电场的理论计算
- Modeling of Surface Charge for the Computation of Power Frequency Electric Field Strength out of High Voltage Substations 面电荷模型求解变电所边界外工频电场强度
- Research on the Countermeasure for the Over Limitation of the Power Frequency Electric Field Caused by Extra-high Voltage Transmission Line 超高压线路工频电场超限值对策的研究
- Research on the Power Frequency Electric Field Around Unsymmetrical Sub-conductor Configuration of Compact Transmission Lines 紧凑型输电线异型分裂导线周围工频电场研究
- Thus it is electric field which triggers the photochemical process. 因此是电场引发光化学过程。
- Conclusion:High frequency electric cautery is a simple and reliable method ... 结论:高频电灼法治疗慢性泪囊炎简便、可靠。