- shank type cutter 柄式铣刀
- This type cutter is composed of cutter body and a back cover.It's very simple in structure and easily to be made, suit for large rough mountings. 该种铣刀是由刀体和后盖两体组成,结构简单,制造方便,适合粗犷型余量大的零件切削。
- This type cutter is composed of cutter body and a back cover.It's very simple in structure and easily to be made,suit for large rough mountings. 该种铣刀是由刀体和后盖两体组成;结构简单;制造方便;适合粗犷型余量大的零件切削.
- trapezoidal spline rack type cutter 梯形花键齿条式刀具
- pinion type cutter for block chain sprocket 块环链链轮插齿刀
- shank type milling cutter 柄式铣刀
- block chain sprocket rack type cutter 块环链链轮齿条式刀具
- rack type cutter for spur and helical gears 条块和螺旋齿轮托架型切割机
- pinion type cutter for internal gear 内齿齿轮型切割机
- HSS-E annular cutter with weldon shank, 25mm D.O.C. 双削平柄系列超硬高速钢孔钻,切削深度25毫米.
- HSS-E annular cutter with weldon shank, 50mm D.O.C. 双削平柄系列超硬高速钢孔钻,切削深度50毫米.
- pinion type cutter for external gear 外齿轮插齿刀
- pinion type cutter for timing belt pulley sprocket 同步带齿形轮插齿刀
- pinion type cutter for trapezoidal spline 梯形花键插齿刀
- Roughing end mill with flatted parallel shank types and dimensions 削平型直柄粗加工立铣刀型式与尺寸
- Roughing end mill with morse taper shank types and dimensions 莫氏锥柄粗加工立铣刀型式与尺寸
- Roughing end mill with parallel shank types and dimensions 直柄粗加工立铣刀型式与尺寸
- In a printer, the removable type element. 印刷机上可拆卸的打印部件。
- If you won't drive me, I'll have to get there on shank's pony. 要是你不开车送我,那我只好走着去了。
- Do you type the letter or take a rest? 你打信呢,还是休息呢?