- Bonds can be traded on the share market. 债券可以在股票市场上交易转让。
- She had a notion that the share market would rise. 她认为股票市场将兴起。
- The new financial policy disposed the share market to fluctuations. 这个新的财政政策使股票市场产生了波动。
- I affiliate myself with their team to get more information on the share market. 我和他们组密切联系以获得更多股票市场的信息。
- The expert believes the new financial policy will confuse the share market. 这个专家相信新出台的金融政策会搞乱股票市场。
- I appreciate your information of the latest change of the share market. 我感谢你告诉我股市最近的变动。
- In theory, the share market may get agitated by the corporation's bankruptcy. 据估计,股市可能会因这家公司的破产而震荡。
- Prices in the shares market are rock-steady. 股票市场的价格非常平稳。
- A measure of how changes in a share price correlate to overall movements in the share market as a whole. 贝塔一项用以衡量一种股票价格的变动与整个股票市场整体变动的相关性的指标。
- They will evetually understant, that A share market is not a place for value creation, but wealth reallocation. 中文:他们最终会明白,A股市场从来都不是价值创造的场所,而只是财富转移的场所。
- Taiwan's share market rose 3.3% on news that its weighting in the MSCI indices was to be lifted at the end of May. 在5月底,台湾股市占摩根士丹利指数的比重将增加,消息刺激台湾股市上升3.;3%25。
- Share market has been in downturn for a long time. Shareholders who come to see the market change to do martial arts in stock exchange. 股市低迷,股民在证券营业厅改练太极拳。
- This lets small firm there is speech right very hard in ULCH market, the limit profit all along of this share market is scantier. 这让小厂商在ULCH市场很难有话语权,这部门市场的边际本钱历来比较肤浅单薄。
- International norms clearly do not apply, even though China's domestic-currency “A” share market now has a capitalisation of US$1,400bn. 尽管目前以人民币计价的中国A股市场市值已达1.;4万亿美元,但国际准则在这里显然并不适用。
- The policy direction seems to encourage more fund outflow to ease pressure on RMB appreciation and to deflate the A share market. 这些措施似乎在鼓励资金流出从而减轻人民币升值的压力,并给A股降温。
- The often illiquid and dormant B share market rallied late last week on hopes Obama might succeed in pressuring Beijing to let the yuan appreciate. 通常流动性不足、波澜不惊的B股市场在上周最后一天大幅上涨,当时投资者预期,奥巴马可能在力促北京允许人民币升值方面取得成功。
- The company hopes to boost its market share. 该公司希望增加其市场份额。
- Therefore, A share market is possible to be draw back ever and agah in the future though it had experienced a technical rebound. 一旦次贷危机变成全面信贷危机,其对美国经济的打击将是严重的经济衰退。
- Surely a country with a “weather modification” department charged with rain prevention can stop hemorrhaging on the $2,300bn domestic-currency “A” share market? 一个有“人工影响天气”部门负责消雨的国家,难道就不能为市值2.;3万亿美元的A股市场“止血”吗?
- Nevertheless, on the share market forum, this shrewd-brained Hakka with publicity personality being full of vitality and fighting will is still liked by others. 尽管如此,在股市论坛上,这个爽直精明的客家人浑身透射着那充满活力和斗志的张扬个性,依然是大家所喜欢的。