- The physical disk resource is the shared disk in the cluster. 物理磁盘资源是群集中的共享磁盘。
- For an SCC, the default quorum strategy uses a shared disk. 对于单一副本群集来说,默认仲裁策略将使用一个共享磁盘。
- The shared disk must have a physical disk resource in the cluster. 共享磁盘在群集中必须具有物理磁盘资源。
- At least one shared disk must be selected for the cluster to use. 必须为群集选择至少一个共享磁盘来使用。
- Disk Signatures of a cluster's shared disks. 群集共享磁盘的磁盘签名。
- The node has control over the shared disk system that contains the Exchange databases. 该节点对包含Exchange数据库的共享磁盘系统拥有控制权。
- Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows can attempt to close open handles to the shared disk. Windows 2000和更高版本的Windows可尝试关闭打开的句柄到共享磁盘。
- For the failover of the application to work, this data must be kept on the shared disk. 为了让应用程序的失效切换能够生效,此数据必须保存在共享磁盘上。
- If you do not select a drive and path that is a shared disk in the cluster, Setup will fail with an error message. 如果未选择群集中作为共享磁盘的驱动器和路径,则安装程序将失败,并显示错误消息。
- If you specify this parameter, the database and log data are stored on a shared disk. 如果指定此参数,则数据库和日志数据将存储在共享磁盘上。
- Now you see how by using a shared disk, the messages put on a queue before a failover can be recovered afterwards. 现在您已经了解了如何通过使用共享磁盘,使得在故障恢复之前添加到某个队列中的消息可以在以后被恢复。
- Shared disk failover avoids synchronization overhead by having only one copy of the database. 共享磁盘failover通过仅有一个数据库拷贝避免了同步的瓶颈。
- Doing this requires that you disable the clustering components temporarily so that the file system can mount the shared disk when you restart the node. 这样需要暂时禁用群集组件以便重新节点时文件系统可装入共享磁盘。
- The shared disk resource that maintains the consistency of your server cluster is the quorum disk resource, unless you are using the Majority Node Set. 维持服务器群集一致性的共享磁盘资源是仲裁磁盘资源,除非使用的是多数节点集。
- If the hard disk on which you want to run Chkdsk contains the quorum log, temporarily move the quorum to another shared disk. 如果硬盘上要运行Chkdsk磁盘包含仲裁日志,临时将仲裁移动到另一个共享磁盘。
- If you are using a standard-node quorum (also known as a single quorum), the cluster must have a single shared disk (known as the quorum disk). 如果使用标准节点仲裁(也称为单一仲裁),则群集必须有一个共享磁盘(称为仲裁磁盘)。
- Specifically, all of the data must be on a shared disk, and all of the physical disk resources must be part of the Exchange cluster group. 具体来说,所有数据必须在一个共享磁盘上,并且所有物理磁盘资源必须是Exchange群集组的一部分。
- After you find the physical disk resource on which you want to run Chkdsk, take the entire group offline, including the shared disk. 之后您查找物理磁盘资源上要运行Chkdsk,使整个组脱机,包括共享磁盘。
- You must also shut down the other nodes in the cluster so that they do not take ownership of the shared disk when the node restarts. 以便它们重新节点时不会共享磁盘的所有权必须同时关闭群集中其他节点。
- In a shared disk quorum, the disk containing the quorum resource is called the quorum disk, and it must be a member of the default Cluster Group. 在共享磁盘仲裁中,包含仲裁资源的磁盘称为仲裁磁盘,并且必须是默认群集组的成员。