- shared variable set 共享变量集
- shareable variable set 共享变量集
- This assumes that you do not yet have this variable set in that file. 在此则假设了您尚未在该档案中设定这个变数。
- Command line switch / Y can advance in the COPYCMD environment variable set. 命令行开关 /Y 可以预先在 COPYCMD 环境变量中设置。
- When setX sets or changes the value of a shared variable, that new value is available to all instances of the class. 当setX设置或更改共享变量的值时,那个新值可用于类的所有实例。
- X.25 provides a low bit rate shared variable capacity that may be either switched or permanent. X.;25提供了既可交换又可持续的低速率来分享变动的容量。
- A shared variable or event is stored in memory only once, no matter how many or few instances you create of its class or structure. 共享变量或事件只能在内存中存储一次,而无论您创建多少个它的类或结构的实例。
- As with any other type, reading and writing to a shared variable that contains an instance of this type must be protected by a lock to guarantee thread safety. 正如对任何其他类型一样,对于包含此类型的实例的共享变量,也必须通过锁定来保护对其进行的读写,以保证实现线程安全。
- To a variable sets it to the default value for its declared type. 赋给变量将把该变量设置为其声明类型的默认值。
- Unfortunately, this situation is a common use case for volatile - using a volatile field as a "guard" to indicate that a set of shared variables had been initialized. 不幸地,这是volatile常见用例用一个volatile字段作为“守护”表明已经初始化了一组共享变量。
- With variable settings and fast converting speed, it is an affordable, high quality MPEG encoder. 由于多重设定和快速转换;这是一个负担得起的;高质素的MPEG编码器.
- Some very strange things can happen if you fail to synchronize when accessing shared variables. 如果在访问共享变量的时候没有同步的话,就会发生一些奇怪的事情。
- All shared variables are placed in the compiled DLL in the specified data segment. 所有共享变量放在编译DLL的指定数据段中。
- You can customize Emacs through variable settings and macros, or by adding packages. 可以通过变量设置和宏或者通过添加包来定制Emacs。
- Later if the hardware is removed then the kernel runs hotplug again with different environment variable settings. 当硬件被删除的时候,内核以不同的环境变量设置再次执行hotplug。
- A regular Command Prompt window shouldn't work, as probably it doesn't have the necessary environment variables set. 正常的命令提示符可能不能用,因为没有设定所需的环境变量。
- Volatile variables can also be used to store shared variables at a lower cost than that of synchronization, but they have limitations. 还可以使用可变变量来以比同步更低的成本存储共享变量,但它们有局限性。
- Some of the environment variables set by the asa_config files include PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, ASANY9, and ASANYSH9. 部分由asa_config文件设置的环境变量包括PATH、LD_LIBRARY_PATH、ASANY9和ASANYSH9。
- shared variable update procedure 共享变量更新过程
- The anonymous hashes grab the current section and compound class from the global variables set in other parts of the grammar. 匿名散列从文法其它部分的全局变量集获取当前的节和复合类。