- The shear lag coefficient is determined by the r atio between stress calculated by this method and stress decided by elementary b eam theory. 在两端简支的边界条件下采用分离变量法求解偏微分方程,得到用级数表示的应力解,然后根据剪力滞系数的定义即可得到组合箱梁翼板的剪力滞系数。
- On the basis of mathematical statistic, using the method of multiple regression analysis, the practical calculating formula of the shear lag coefficient in thin-walled curved box girders is derived. 摘要基于数理统计的基本原理,运用多元回归分析方法,建立了曲线箱梁结构的剪力滞的实用计算公式。
- shear lag coefficient 剪力滞系数
- Shear lag is reduced for prestress in serviceability limit state . 在正常使用状态下,预应力平抑了箱梁剪力滞效应。
- In this paper, shear lag effect in cantilever box girder is studied by various approaches assuming spanwise displacement as quartic parabola. 由于抗弯与抗扭性能良好,箱形截面广泛在工民建及桥梁结构中采用。
- In the analysis and design of steel-concrete composite beams,the concept of effective flange width is introduced to consider the impact of shear lag. 钢与混凝土组合梁的设计和分析中,通过引入有效翼缘宽度的概念考虑混凝土翼板中剪力滞后的影响。
- It is very complicated to analyze prestressed concreted curved box girder due to many factors such as tendon, bending、 torsion 、 shear lag and wrapping. 预应力混凝土曲线箱梁桥,由于受到空间预应力束、曲箱梁的弯曲、扭转及截面剪力滞、畸变等因素的影响,受力十分复杂。
- Due to the shear lag effect,in the design of steel-concrete composite beams,the effective flange width concept is used to analyze the defections and stresses of beams. 考虑到剪力滞效应的影响,在钢-混凝土组合梁设计分析中,常采用翼缘有效宽度的概念计算组合结构的应力和变形。
- Based on the displacement variational principle, a new element is developed for buckling analysis of thin-walled members with shear lag effect in the present paper. 根据位移变分原理,本文提出一种纯压或纯弯薄壁杆件稳定分析的新单元。
- Further study indicated that cross beams and axial forces have great influence to the shear lag effect of longitudinal box girders under full dead load. 进一步的研究表明,在恒载作用下该桥纵梁的剪力滞效应受横梁、轴力的影响很大。
- Abstract: Based on the displacement variational principle, a new element is developed for buckling analysis of thin-walled members with shear lag effect in the present paper. 摘 要: 根据位移变分原理,本文提出一种纯压或纯弯薄壁杆件稳定分析的新单元。
- There are two contents in this paper:one is solve the control differential equation of box girder s shear lag by DQ method,the other is rules of the shear lag for single-box-multiple-cell box girders. 本文主要探讨了两个方面的内容:用DQ法求解箱梁剪力滞控制微分方程;单箱多室箱梁剪力滞分布规律。
- Stiffness matrix of finite stripe element suitable for analysis of shear lag effect are derived fromanalysis of sbear lag effect of multicell box girder with the generalized finite stripe method. 用广义的有限条方法分析了多室箱梁的剪滞效应,推导了适用于分析剪滞效应的有限条单元刚度矩阵。
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- Shear Lag Study of Box Girder with Thin-wall 箱形薄壁梁剪力滞效应研究
- Analysis of Shear Lag of Ribbed Plate Main Beam 肋板式主梁剪力滞分析
- Shear Lag Effect Test and Study of PC Wide Box Beam 预应力混凝土宽箱梁剪力滞效应试验研究
- Shear lag in short leg walls and its effects 短肢剪力墙的剪滞效应及其影响分析
- Analysis of the broad flange beam shear lag 大悬臂变截面箱梁剪力滞效应分析