- shear wall supported frame 框支剪力墙
- shear wall supported on frame-shear wall structure 框支剪力墙
- shear wall supported by frame 框支剪力墙
- shear wall supported on frame 框支剪力墙
- It is important to make certain the optimal quantity of shear wall linked with the ground in shear wall structure supported on frame under earthquake actions in civil engineering. 地震作用下,底部多层大空间框支剪力墙结构中落地剪力墙合理数量的确定是关系到结构的安全和经济合理的关键问题。
- The frame should work together with shear wall in the frame-shearwall structure. 摘要框剪结构是一种常见的建筑结构形式。
- Abstract: The frame should work together with shear wall in the frame-shearwall structure. 摘要:框剪结构是一种常见的建筑结构形式。
- RC shear wall has been widely used in various structure systems. 摘要混凝土剪力墙被广泛运用于各类结构体系中。
- Spesial customized support frame for hopper dryer available. 可制作各种特殊结构机架。
- Short-limbed wall (SLW) is an intergradation of structure style between erose-section-column frame and conventional shear wall structure. 短肢剪力墙是介于异形框架柱和一般剪力墙之间的一种建筑结构体系,这种结构形式能使建筑取得良好的功能效果。
- Multistory masonry buildings with frame - shear wall structure in their bottom story have been widely applied in city construction in China. 底层为框架一剪力墙的底框砖层在我国的城市建设中应用广泛。
- The shaking table experiment of seismic retrofitting of earthquake damaged RC frame shear wall structure using MRD is implemented. 利用MRD对一有损伤钢筋混凝土框-剪偏心结构进行抗震加固,并进行振动台试验。
- frame - supported shear wall structure 框支剪力墙结构
- The analytical results show that: the vibration period of the truss is short, and the stiffness is between the equivalent frame and shear wall structure stiffness. 分析结果表明,该结构体系的振动周期较小,结构整体刚度较大,介于相同条件的框架和剪力墙之间。
- frame supported shear wall structure 框支剪力墙结构
- Your browser doesn't support frames, you can't use our service. 您的浏览器不支持框架,请换用支持的浏览器使用我们的服务。
- shear wall structure supported on frame 底部多层大空间
- structure wall supported by high-rising frame with shear force 框支剪力墙结构
- The special support frame can perform connection function and connect cooling water to cool down the seal ring. 特殊安装支架,即起到连接作用,同时又能接通冷却水对密封圈部位进行冷却。
- Adventure racer and stable trail trainer with a highly breathable minimalist upper and internal support frame. 探险跑车、稳定教练员以高度透气步道上绝少内部支持帧.