- For UOE tube with low springback stress,the Bauschinger Effect makes the yierld strength of flated specimen be lower than that of UOE tube body which received expanding process. 对UOE管,由于其弹复应力低,包申格效应使压平试样的屈服强度低于经强力扩径强化的管体屈服强度,因而这种表征是偏于安全的。
- The expanding process using DME is identify to that of HFC, but the properties will be better than that of HFC for higher solubility in polybasic alcohol. 如单独使用则发泡工艺性相当于气态HFC,但由于DME在多元醇中的高溶解性,泡沫性能将好于HFC发泡体系的泡沫;
- First, spatial expanding process of Beijing and Tianjin is analyzed, then, influential factors motive mechanism and growing trends have been pointed out. Base on this, suggestion for improving spatial integration of Beijing and Tianjing is proposed. 本文首先分析了北京、天津二市的空间扩展过程 ,指出了其扩展的影响因素、动力机制及发展趋势 ,在此基础上 ,进一步提出了促进京津空间一体化的建议。
- On the basis of the components analysis of flue-cured tobacco stem and hurley stem. combining experiment simulation process with COMAS cut stem expanding process and burley laminar treating process. 本文在烤烟、白肋烟梗化学成分分析的基础上;结合实验室模拟、COMAS梗丝膨胀线、白肋烟片处理线的工艺处理.;摸索出一套白肋烟梗特殊处理的方法。
- The tube expanding process is simplified as the deforming process.of a ring under internal pressure.Aspecific finite element analysis procedure is programmed to simulate the deforming process. 将焊管胀径过程简化为承受内压的圆环的弹塑性变形过程,编制了专用有限元程序对其进行了分析,计算出了胀径力;
- By utilizing the elastoplastic analytical model and the contact analytical model in ANSYS software,the paper constructed the finite element model of the expansion pipe in an expanding process. 利用ANSYS软件中的弹塑性分析模块以及接触分析模块,建立了可膨胀管膨胀过程的有限元模型。
- Expand processing capability and capacity Transformed to technique-intensive and diverse-small quantity production style. 扩大加工能力及范围,转型至技术密集及少量多样化生产。
- When processing has succeeded, expand Processing Dimension 'Product' completed successfully in the Process Progress dialog box, expand Processing Dimension Attribute 'Product Name' completed successfully, and then expand SQL queries 1. 成功处理后,在“处理进度”对话框中展开“处理维度‘产品’已成功完成”,展开“处理维度属性‘产品名称’已成功完成”,再展开“SQL查询1”。
- This article introduces the design and work parameters for expander and the technology of expanding process to turn discarded protein of feather, pigfur and blood into high-quality forage. 介绍了膨化机的设计和工作参数,以及将羽毛、猪毛、猪血等废弃蛋白质资源变成优质饲用蛋白的膨化加工工艺。
- Abstract: This article introduces the design and work parameters for expander and the technology of expanding process to turn discarded protein of feather, pigfur and blood into high-quality forage. 文摘:介绍了膨化机的设计和工作参数,以及将羽毛、猪毛、猪血等废弃蛋白质资源变成优质饲用蛋白的膨化加工工艺。
- He found a job of shearing wool from sheep. 他找到一份剪羊毛的工作。
- In the aim of domestic Expandable screen’s special expandable process, this paper propose variable diameter expandable technology, design expandable tool. 针对国内膨胀筛管的特殊膨胀过程,本文提出了变径膨胀工艺,设计了变径膨胀工具。
- The company is eager to expand into new markets. 那家公司急欲开辟新的市场。
- Every spring they shear off the sheep's wool and sell it. 每年春天他们都要剪下羊毛去卖。
- The expanding economy enriched the peasants. 不断发展的经济使农民们富裕起来。
- The process does not affect the shear stresses. 这样的处理并不影响剪应力。
- This machine is used f rough shearing process. 该机是用来对羊毛皮进行粗剪毛加工。
- Our automobile industry is expanding. 我们的汽车工业在发展。
- Our foreign trade is continuously expanding. 我们的对外贸易不断发展。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。