- sheep pox virus subgroup 绵羊痘病毒亚群, 羊痘病毒
- The results of sequencing show that GTPV P32 gene was 969bp and encode 323 amino acids, Sheep pox virus(SPPV) P32 gene was 972bp and encode 324 amino acids, FGD-CPV P32 gene was 969bp and encode 323 amino acids. 结果表明:GTPV P32基因开放阅读框(ORF)全长969bp,编码323个氨基酸; 绵羊痘病毒(Sheep pox virus,SPPV)P32基因ORF全长972bp,编码324个氨基酸;
- Fowl pox virus subgroup 家禽痘病毒亚群
- sheep pox virus 绵羊痘病毒
- Five to ten days after injection, sheep pox was controlled. 对109个疫点及其受威胁区的337061只绵羊,注射了山羊痘疫苗,取得了良好效果。
- Capripoxvirus(CPV) was the agent of goat and sheep pox disease. 羊痘病毒(Capripoxvirus,CPV)是山羊痘病和绵羊痘病的病原。
- Goat and sheep pox diseases are serious infectious diseases caused by infection of capripoxvirus (CPV). 山羊痘和绵羊痘病(Goat and sheep pox disease)是由羊痘病毒(Capripoxvirus, CPV)感染山羊和绵羊等偶蹄动物引起的一种烈性传染病,病畜以发热、全身性起痘为典型特征。
- Avian leukosis virus subgroup J (ALV-J) is a retrovirus which infects meat-type chickens. 亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)是一种主要感染肉用型鸡的反转录病毒。
- In this assay,we studied the possibility of raccoon pox virus (RCN) TK gene as a viral selection marker on Rat-2 cells. 本文在Rat-2(TK~-)细胞上,对浣熊痘病毒TK基因作为病毒筛选标记的作用进行了研究。
- A highly infectious, usually fatal disease of rabbits that is caused by a pox virus and is characterized by many skin tumors similar to myxomas. 多发性粘液瘤;粘液瘤病一种高度传染的、通常是兔子患的致命性疾病,由梅毒病毒引起,而且特征为许多类似于粘液瘤的皮肤瘤
- The above-mentioned results showed that the loemia is resulted from goat pox virus. 结果表明,近年来发生在贵州省部分地区的山羊疫情是山羊痘所致。
- A highly infectious,usually fatal disease of rabbits that is caused by a pox virus and is characterized by many skin tumors similar to myxomas. 多发性粘液瘤,粘液瘤病,一种高度传染的、通常是兔子患的致命性疾病,由梅毒病毒引起,而且特征为许多类似于粘液瘤的皮肤瘤。
- Avian leukosis virus Subgroup J (ALV-J) is a retrovirus that infects meat-type chickens. ALV-J was first reported as a new subgroup of ALV by Payne in 1991. It induced avian myelcytomatosis (ML) in broiler. J亚群禽白血病病毒(Subgroup J of Avian leukosis viruS,ALV-J)是90年代初由英国鉴定出来的禽白血病病毒(ALV)新的亚群,主要引起肉鸡的骨髓瘤白血病。
- Research development of Sheep pox and lamb pox 绵羊痘与山羊痘研究进展
- Diagnosis and treatment of sheep pox 绵羊痘的诊断与防治
- Avian leukosis virus subgroup J, ALV-J 为深入探讨J亚群禽白血病病毒
- Diagnosis of CPV infection should be based on the study of P32 protein. Pairs of primers were designed with Primer 5.0 according to Goat pox virus (GTPV) P32 sequence published in Genbank. 本实验根据GenBank中发表的山羊痘病毒(Goat pox virus;GTPV)P32基因序列;利用软件Primer 5.;0分别设计了P32鉴定和表达用引物。
- Many viruses induce immunosuppression including Marek's disease virus (MDV), Chicken anemia virus(CAV), Reticulo Endotheliosis virus (REV), Avian leukosis virus Subgroup J (ALV-J), Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) and ReoV et al . 可引起免疫抑制的病毒很多,主要有鸡马立克氏病病毒(MDV)、鸡传染性贫血病病毒(CAV)、J亚群禽白血病病毒(ALV-J)、网状内皮组织增殖症病毒(REV)、鸡传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)和呼肠孤病毒(ReoV)等。
- Swine pox, which belongs to the pox disease complex, is caused by two antigenically different pox viruses. 猪痘属于痘病群,是由两种抗原上不同的痘病毒引起的。
- avian leukosis virus subgroup J(ALV-J) J亚群禽白血病