- Two-sheet detector A device in a sheet fed press for stoping the machine if more than one sheet is fed. 双纸探测器单张纸印刷机地,给纸若多过一张,即停止机器的装置。
- Two-sheet detector: A device in a sheet fed press for stopping the machine if more than one sheet is fed. 双纸探测器:单张纸印刷机地,给纸若多过一张,即停止机器的装置。
- two colour sheet fed offset press 对开双色胶印机
- He has lived through two revolutions. 他经历了两次革命。
- They led two revolutions and failed. 他们领导过两次革命,都失败了。
- Pile feeder An automatic sheet feeding mechanism providing input to a press or a folding machine. 纸堆给纸器自动给纸的机械结构:是印刷机或折纸机的输入装置。
- Pile feeder: An automatic sheet feeding mechanism providing input to a press or a folding machine. 纸堆给纸器:自动给纸的机械结构:是印刷机或折纸机的输入装置。
- The student cafeteria feeds two thousand people a day . 学生食堂一天要为两千人供应饭菜。
- He has lived through three wars and two revolutions. 他经历了三次战争和两次革命。
- Eggs from hens fed two levels of flaxseed were utilized, with one egg treatment providing 397 mg of total n-3 FA per day (261 mg of LNA, 80 mg of DHA)and the other providing 667 mg of total n-3 FA (527 mg of LNA, 87 mg of DHA). 亚麻籽喂养的结果是蛋黄中富含ldl。使用两倍的亚麻籽喂养母鸡,这样鸡产蛋时,一个鸡蛋每日可以提供总的n-3FA397mg,而其它的则提供667rng的n-3FA。
- Automatic feeder A device to separate sheets from the stack and forward them to the lays of the sheet fed printing machine. 自动给纸器单张纸印刷机上把纸堆上的纸分离,然后把它送到定位标针上的装置。
- This means that the crankshaft will make two revolutions for every revolution of the camshaft. 这意味着凸轮轴每旋转一次曲轴将旋转两次。
- A cycle, remember, corresponds with two revolutions of the crankshaft. 记住,一个循环相当于曲轴旋转两次。
- A sidestream from the de-aeration tower feeds two sand filters and a calcium reactor. 曝气塔两侧中的两侧是砂石过滤器和钙反应堆。
- He tears a sheet of paper in two. 他把一张纸撕成两半。
- But the facts are there for all to see, we have carried out two revolutions -- the bourgeois-democratic revolution to seize state power and the proletarian socialist revolution to carry out socialist transformation and build a socialist country. 但是,事实摆在面前,我们进行了两个革命:一个是资产阶级民主革命,夺取全国政权; 一个是无产阶级社会主义革命,实行社会主义改造,建设社会主义国家。
- We are now carrying out a revolution not only in the social system, the change from private to public ownership, but also in technology, the change from handicraft to large-scale modern machine production, and the two revolutions are interconnected. 我们现在不但正在进行关于社会制度方面的由私有制到公有制的革命,而且正在进行技术方面的由手工业生产到大规模现代化机器生产的革命,而这两种革命是结合在一起的。
- That boxer is a prodigious feed. 那个拳击家是个大肚汉。
- They cut holes on the sheet of metal with a punch press. 他们用冲床在金属板上打孔。
- The student cafeteria feed two thousand people a day. 学生食堂一天要为两千人供应饭菜。