- shell flange of cover end 盖侧壳体法兰
- shell flange of channel end 管箱侧壳体法兰
- Give details of any special extension of cover required. 详细说明其它指定要求包括的项目?
- What types of cover does your insurance company usually underwrite? 你们的保险公司一般承保哪些险别?
- Flanged XF-F be installed at the exit end with flange of drainage pipe. 法兰式XF-F安装在排水管带法兰的出口末端。
- The flange of end: The part of the valve, imbed a position fixed with one storey of phases of cord fabric of metal,Used for hoisting and filling and exhausting. 端部法兰:气门部件,埋入金属件与帘布层相固定的部位,用于吊装和充排气。
- To divest of covering;make bare. 剥光除去遮盖物;使赤裸
- To divest of covering; make bare. 剥光除去遮盖物;使赤裸
- Books have different kinds of covers. 书有各种不同的封面。
- And the result showed that eggshell intensity could be relative with the thickness of shell membrane,fibers of shell membrane,spacing of cone layer and cranny of cover. 同时研究结果表明,鸡蛋壳强度的大小可能与壳膜层壳膜的厚度,壳膜纤维的粗细,锥体层乳头间的空隙大小以及覆盖层上裂隙的深浅和数量有关。
- Visual observations showed that a horizontal displacement in the longitudinal direction of the bridge developed between the tie girder and the top flange of the floor beam at the end connection. 肉眼观察表明:在端节点处的系梁和横梁上翼缘之间产生一种沿桥梁纵向的水平位移。
- The front cover of the novel has been torn off. 这本小说的封面已被撕掉。
- Slightly press the flange of the square panel without a crater to obtain jointless effect. 不带坑方向折边,稍加轻压,便可达到紧凑无缝的效果。
- Green interrogates Tony, and accuses him of covering up for Nina. 格林审问托尼,指控他为尼娜作掩护。
- Failure Analysis for the Shell Flange Cracking of a Heat Exchanger 换热器壳侧法兰开裂失效分析
- Dimension list of pressure grade corresponding flange of flexible rubber joint, connecting dimension is dimension. 可曲挠橡胶接头压力等级对应配套法兰尺寸表,连接尺寸为国标尺寸。
- Keep down of you'll be hit by shell fragments. 别起来,否则你会被弹片击中的。
- The crack was found in the oil-pipe flange of oilcan working for only three months. 油罐导油法兰仅服役三个月即在焊接热影响区产生断裂。
- It's natural to slack2 off towards the end of a hard day's work. 一天紧张工作快结束的时候有些放松是自然的。