- shepherd boy songs 牧童歌
- The shepherd boy waited for his sheep to drink. 牧童等羊喝水。
- Brian: I hate Jingle Bells! I prefer The Little Drummer Boy song. 布莱恩:我讨厌《铃儿响叮当》!我更喜欢那首《打鼓的小男孩》。
- The flock of goats were driven onto a small hill by the shepherd boy. 牧童把羊群催赶到了小山坡上。
- May I ask wineshop where has, the shepherd boy points at Xinghua Village. 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。”
- Zeus found it advisable to send them before a shepherd boy on Mt Ida, Paris by name, for judgment. 宙斯明智地决定将她们送到爱达山上一位名叫帕里斯的牧童那里,让他来判断谁最美。
- That country's king has heard, did not believe that he had such fiercely, then incurs the shepherd boy the palace. 那国的国王听说了,不相信他有这么厉害,便把牧童招进了宫。
- Let the superior quality novel shepherd boy product bring the world all children merriment!!!! 让优质新颖的牧童产品把欢乐带给世界所有的孩子们!!!
- The cow carries on the back shepherd boy's piccolo, this time also all day long in resonantly sound. 牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天在嘹亮地响。
- Two small shepherd boy is enough true brave, his a pair constantly wield a cow whip to urge cow quick walk. 两个小牧童真够大胆,他俩不断地挥动牛鞭催牛快走。
- From that time on the lion and the shepherd boy never parted. They lived together as friends for the rest of their lives. 此后,狮子和放羊的孩子友好地生活在一起,一辈子都没分开。
- The shepherd boy drowsed and dreamed in the shadow of the banyan tree, and I laid myself down by the water and stretched my tired limbs on the grass. 牧童在榕树下做他的倦梦,我在水边卧下,在草地上展布我困乏的四肢。
- The shepherd boy has gone home early from the pasture, and men have left their fields to sit on mats under the eaves of their huts, watching the scowling clouds. 牧童已从草场早早回到家中,男人们也从地里回来,坐在茅屋檐下的坐垫上,抬头看着这恼人的乌云。
- However, through the Dutch farmer hoeing, carrying a piccolo of the shepherd boy, the couple is tape on the shadow of the brightest, and there has been no change. 然而那荷锄走过的农夫,背着短笛的牧童,依依惜别的情侣,是胶带上最亮的影子,至今没有变色。
- Three stories written by Oscar Wilde are included. "The young King" tells how a shepherd boy becomes a king and realizes that money and wealth are not worth human suffering. "The Star Child" tells the story of a baby found in the forest. 本书收录了王尔德三则精彩童话,每位主角的故事都扣人心弦,包括《少年国王》中荆衣草冠登上帝位的牧童,《星之子》中寻母赎罪而恢复美貌的少年及《夜莺与玫瑰》中为爱情献出生命的夜莺,无不体现至爱即是至美的信念。
- She put her shepherd boy to one side,and led me into the dressing-room where she showed me two miniatures which made a pair and said:'That's Count de G who was madly in love with Marguerite. He's the one who made her name. 她把塑像放在一边,把我领到梳妆间,指着挂在那里的两张细密肖像画对我说,“这就是G伯爵,他以前非常爱玛格丽特,是他把她捧出来的。
- The boy coaxed a song from the little girl. 那男孩哄小女孩唱了个歌。
- Looking at the green and wild world of the shepherd boy in Sinkiang (p. 82), one must wonder why humanity wants cars and air conditioning if this means the destruction of the beauty of nature? 再看看天苍苍、野茫茫下新疆放羊的孩子(第八十二页),人类为什麽要用汽车冷气来摧毁我们的湛蓝穹苍?
- Hearing those old songs takes me back a bit. 我听到那些旧歌曲就有些怀旧。