- shifting sliding surface 平移滑平面
- Attachment flat bearing at anytime in the slide surface. 轨道面贴有特殊树脂。
- When applying adhesive care must be taken to see that no adhesive reaches the sliding surface. 涂粘合剂时,必须小心不能让粘合剂碰到滑动表面。
- On the basis of analysis of the design of sliding surface, some defects of the conventional methods are stated. 摘要在分析滑模平面设计的基础上,指出了按传统的方法设计的滑模平面的缺陷。
- All seating &sliding surfaces hardfaced with Stellite 6. 所有阀座和滑动件表面都是硬面钨铬钴合金6。
- The critical sliding field technology was used to probe the sliding surface of a waste-dump slope. 摘要应用临界滑移场技术,对排土场边坡进行临界滑动面搜寻。
- This paper uses the dispersancy index K to stand for the dispersancy of sliding surface of block. 摘要用分散性指标K表示块体滑动面的分散性,由此分析滑动摩擦圆的出现概率。
- Sliding surface cloth, if brush smooth calico,burnish damask of cotton cloth, archaize, real silk and ripple are silken etc. 滑面布料,如擦光印花棉布磨光棉布、仿古缎子、真丝和波纹绸等。
- The magnitudes of “sawtooth” depend on the load, sliding speed, and the lattice difference across the sliding surface. 大小锯齿的峰值受载荷、滑动速度、接触面两侧的晶格常数及晶格位向差等多个因素的影响。
- The proposed scheme, which has advantages of NLMPC and SMC, can deal with system constraints on-line and has strong robustness on the sliding surface. 该方法具有预测控制在线处理约束及滑模控制滑动模态对干扰的不变性的优点。
- There is evident diversity in material composition of slide surface of bulking landslide, due to the difference of failure patterns. 溃屈型滑坡由于滑动破坏方式的不同,滑面的物质组成有明显的差异。
- It is found that the failure mode of replace with out-soil is a translated sliding surface parallel to original slope surface from indoor simulation tests. 通过室内模拟实验得出客土的破坏模式是一条平行于原坡面的直线滑动面。
- A film of oil is inserted between the sliding surfaces of a bearing. 轴承的滑动面之间上了薄薄一层油。
- The interaction of sliding surfaces is modeled with a Coulomb friction law. 接触面间的摩擦采用库仑摩擦模型。
- Finally, according to the different parameters of the terminal sliding surface, the simulations demonstrate the different system states convergent speed and system response. 最后,根据选择不同的定期滑动面之参数,模拟的结果展示了不同的状态收敛速度及系统响应。
- By using three rules FLC, the hitting control part that satisfies the hitting conditions of the SMC can force the system s states to reach and remain on the sliding surface. 并藉由三条规则的模糊控制器来确保迫近控制能满足系统状态可以维持在顺滑面上的迫近条件。
- The calculated sliding surface is curved and the top width of sliding surface is smaller than that of Coulomb result, which just agree with the experiment results. 计算得到的滑裂面为一曲面,其顶宽比库仑理论滑裂面小,与试验结果相吻合。
- Finally he got a job shifting rails in a factory. 最后他在一家工厂找到一个搬钢轨的工作。
- The most dangerous sliding surface and the corresponding minimum stability coefficient of the deep excavations can be determined by using Equa-Arc algorithm. 基于圆弧滑动面假定,提出了一种用自适应遗传算法搜索最危险滑动面及其对应的最小安全系数的新方法。
- The basic features of Zuoyituo landslide such as geological conditions, dimensions, sliding surface and groundwater conditions were described concisely in the paper. 本文首先从地质背景、形态特征、滑面特征及水文地质等方面,对作揖沱崩滑堆积体的特征进行了概括。