- Pass the ship locks of the gorges dam. 经过三峡大坝船闸。
- The standard of allowable mooring force for ocean ship lock is also discussed. 并针对海船闸的船舶允许系缆力标准进行了探讨。
- The ship locked into the new canal. 船通过水闸驶入新运河。
- The conclusion has been proved reasonable by the engineering practice of Zhuzhou navigation power junction ship lock. 株洲航电枢纽船闸的工程实践表明分析及建议是合理的。
- Remove the shipping locks and tape from the print cartridges. 取下打印碳粉盒上的装运锁,撕下胶带。
- Remove the shipping locks and tape from the print cartridge. 取下打印碳粉盒上的装运锁,撕下胶带。
- The research on dynamic interaction between soil and ship locks with double-hinged soleplate is important and necessary. 对双铰底板式船闸闸室与土体的动力相互作用研究显得十分必要。
- Adopt in all kinds of vehicle such as bike lock, autobike lock, car lock, train lock, ship lock& plane lock etc. 适用于各类车、船上使用的锁、如自行车锁、摩托车锁、汽车锁、列车锁、船舶锁、飞机用锁等。
- The low water level of Yichang Section is a characteristic parameter which reflects the navigation condition of Gezhouba ship locks. 摘要宜昌断面的枯水水位是反映葛洲坝船闸通航条件的特征参数。
- The ship lock is the most widely used and prospectives also the important type of navigation architectures. 船闸是当前世界上应用最广泛、前景最广阔、也是最重要的通航建筑物型式。
- The acceptance test results showed that the construction of pre stressed anchorage cable of permanent ship lock meets the requirements of design. 验收试验成果表明,永久船闸预应力锚索的施工符合设计要求。
- At his command, CTGPC has reached the two TGP construction milestones of initial water impoundment of reservoir and ship lock operation in 2003. 在他的领导和指挥下,2003年三峡工程顺利实现了初期蓄水和船闸通航两大目标。
- Ship lock with double-hinged soleplate, which is developed based on the integral ship lock, is widely applied on silt-sandy foundation and fine-sandy foundation. 双铰底板式闸室结构是在整体式闸室基础上发展起来的一种型式,一般适用于粉砂、细砂地基,应用十分广泛。
- During the construction of permanent ship lock of the Three Gorge, bugs are existed in some parts of the concrete, such as honeycomb, pock, stagger and so on. 作为边坡工程加固的重要手段,预应力锚固技术在三峡永久船闸高边坡综合锚固工程中得到广泛应用。
- By comparison analysis and construction feedback, it verified the effect of stabilization measures and demonstrated that the ship lock slope is stable as a whole. 通过比较分析和施工反馈的结果,证明了加固的效果,说明了三峡永久船闸体整体是稳定的。
- The ship lock scross and under the bridge consists of cofferdam, lock gate, lock chamber, water pumping system and lock gate opening and closing system. 当巨型轮船遇到净空高度不够的已建大桥时,可进入船闸室,开启抽水,使闸室内水位下降至船能够通过桥下净空为止。
- The lifeboat went out to a ship in distress. 救生船去救一艘遇险的船只。
- Based on the discussion of the characteristics of mountainous rivers and the problems concerning ship lock arrangement, this paper proposes of ship lock approach channel arrangement type adapting to the characteristics of mountainous rivers. 摘要介绍山区河流的特点及船闸布置存在的问题,提出适应山区河流特点的船闸引航道布置型式。
- The ship steamed into the harbor. 船驶入了港湾。
- Based on the results of hydraulic model experiment on the second ship lock of Tianjin Port, this paper analyzes the factors influencing the mooring force in the process of water filling and emptying in ship lock chamber. 摘要根据天津港复线船闸水力学模型试验结果,分析船闸输水系统在灌泄水过程中影响系缆力的因素。