- shock bending test 冲击弯曲试验
- The structure,cold bending fraction pattern and EXD of Q235 plate cold bending test sample of Shanghai Meishan Company are analyzed. 对梅山公司Q235冷弯不合格试样进行了金相组织、冷弯断口形貌及能谱分析。
- The flexural strength of all FRC posts was tested with a 3-point bending test. 三点挠曲实验比较不同弯曲度的FRC弯钉与FRC直钉的挠曲强度和挠曲模量。
- Application: Road profile rotating bending test on wheel hubs with simulation of wheel load and lateral forces. 应用范围:公路概况与旋转弯曲载荷和车轮的侧向力轮毂模拟试验。
- Furthmore, EFPI and FBG sensors embedded inside FOSL are performed by using the four-point bending test. 在此基础上,对FOSL试件中的EFPI和FBG传感器进行了四点弯曲试验。
- A bend test is a simple test for ductility that does not require special equipment, or a specially shaped test-piece. 弯曲试验是测试韧性的简单试验,不要求特别的测试设备,或规定形状的试样。
- Metal material bending test is an important item when raw materials come to factory in boiler and pressure vessel manufacturing trade. 金属材料的弯曲试验是锅炉压力容器制造行业进行原材料入厂检验的一项主要检查项目。
- In this article tensile test,bending test and microhardness test were conducted on the laser welded joint of the steel sheet for automobile use. 对汽车用薄板的激光焊接接头进行了拉伸试验、弯曲试验及显微硬度分析等。
- In this test, air-dry woods of China-fir, Taiwan acacia, Lauan and Hemlock were used to monitor AB counts under static bending test. 本试验以杉木、相思树、柳桉及铁杉之气乾材为试材,测定静力弯曲试验时AE发生之情况,探讨AE发生次数与应力、应变之关系。
- Moreover, Equation (5.15) predicts ovalisation at maximum bending strain while measurements were performed after the bending test. 此外,等式(5.;15)预测了在挠度测试后度量的基于最大弯曲应变的成椭圆形,
- The method to determine the interlaminar shear strength for composite material is also proposed by five-point bending test, and the experimen... 同时,文中提出了用五点弯曲实验测试层间剪切强度的方法,给出了实验结果。
- The adhesive force between the coating and the magnesium substrate has been estimated by using bend test,file test,and scribe test. 采用弯曲法、锉刀实验法和划线划格实验3种镀层结合力测试方法;对化学镀镍层与镁合金基体之间结合力的优劣进行了定性评价.
- The mechanical and failure characteristics of SFHPC beams in bending test can be described well by using fracture energy and flexural toughness indices together. 综合利用断裂能和弯曲韧性指标,才能更全面地描述混凝土在弯曲过程中的受力与破坏特征。
- On purpose to study bend properties of amorphous thin ribbons, a bend test method is given and a laboratory equipment has been established. 为研究非晶薄带的弯曲特性,本文给出了非晶薄带弯曲试验方法,并且建立了实验设备。
- By using elasto-plastic finite element calculation and three point bending test,the in-fluence of strength matching and crack depth on fracture properties are investigated. 利用弹塑性有限元计算和三点弯曲试验对不同裂纹深度、不同强度组配焊接接头试样的断裂性能进行了研究。
- Under these conditions, the generally used stoney's formula for calculating the stress of oxide scale in the single-face oxidation induced bending test must be modified. 并且,用此法还能测量由电镀、离子镀和气相沉积等技术制备的表面涂层的内应力。但是,单面氧化弯曲法也存在某些不足之处。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- The adhesive force between the coating and the magnesium substrate has been estimated by using bend test, file test, and scribe test. 采用弯曲法、锉刀实验法和划线划格实验3种镀层结合力测试方法,对化学镀镍层与镁合金基体之间结合力的优劣进行了定性评价。
- Powerful shock absorbers cushion our landing. 有效的减震装置缓解了我们著陆时的冲撞力。
- His mother's death was a great shock to him. 他母亲之死对他精神上打击很大。