- Advanced pneumatic shock mount system 先进的气压防震架系统
- shock mount systems 隔振系统
- When using the swivel mount, the internal shock mount provides good isolation. 当使用转座时,加以内部隔振垫可提供良好的隔振作用。
- Description: Hangzhou Ekko Auto Parts Co.,Ltd ---- Engine mount,center bearing,shock mount,bushing. ------发动机支座、中间轴承、减震支座、衬套。
- To indicate the effect of gyro moment on the mount system, including frequency domain response and time domain response, the new system was analyzed. 对新的动力总成悬置系统动力学模型进行计算分析,研究了陀螺矩阵对频域、时域响应的影响。
- Several more rear shock mounting position for better adjustability. 多个后方休克安装位置更好的适应性。
- Therefore, identify the improvement parameters of mount system through optimization and simulation tests of ADAMS. 因此,利用ADAMS的优化和仿真试验功能,确定出悬置系统的改进设计参数。
- Patented in-the-roller motor mounting system for quiet operation. 专利滚筒式发动机系统使操作宁静。
- The company developed the law and order mount systems, electronic police system, has in Suzhou, Taizhou, Changzhou and Yangzhou, Zhongshan, Guangdong, Hunan and other places of Chenzhou. 本公司开发的治安卡口系统、电子警察系统,先后在苏州、泰州、常州、扬州、广东中山、湖南郴州等地应用。
- We also offer 4 different forward shock mounting options for shock length adjustment to further tune the desired amount of rear traction. 我们还提供了4种不同冲击着越来越多选择休克长度调整,以进一步调整预期的数额后方的牵引力。
- Optional rifle/shotgun mounting system for our Heat Seekers is available. 任择步枪/猎枪悬置系统为我们提供热探索者。
- We also are able to truly integrate the shock mounts, pivot mounts,dropouts and dusk brake tabs into the structure, using all uni-directional carbon plies. 避震器基座、转点基座、后勾爪固定座以及碟刹卡钳基座全都和车架是一个整体,采用复合碳纤维编制。避震器基座并非在管材加工完后附加上去,而是在制造时便是一个整体。
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- Your High-End, Audiophile Stereo Pre-Amp With The Mil-Spec Shock Mounts And Programmable Flat-Panel Display Is So Obscenely Expensive That Even Small Birds Faint When They See The Price Tag. 你居然花那么多钱在那些高档的高保真前置音箱、军用规格减振器、以及可编程平面显示器上!看到价格标签之后,就连小企鹅也晕倒了。
- To remove a mounted system from the wall, you must first push the unit upward to release it from the keyhole slots on the mounting bracket. 若您的净水器安装在墙壁上,你必须先将净水器向上提,再往外移出,以将净水器从安装架的匙孔槽中取下。
- Test results show that improved mounts system can solve the existent problems effectively. 试验表明,改进后的悬置系统有效地解决了存在的问题。
- The shock make me go all weak at the knee. 这件事把我吓得两腿发软。
- It's many years since Mount Vesuvius last erupted. 维苏威火山上一次喷发至今已有很多年了。
- The engine mounting system is one of the major factors which influence the vehicle NVH performance. 摘要发动机悬置系统是影响汽车NVH性能的一个关键因素。
- His debts continued to mount up. 他的债务在不断增长。