- A shopping cart, especially for groceries. 运货车,尤指为杂货店运货的车
- Maybe we should get a shopping cart. 也许我们应该推一辆购物手推车才对。
- How many things did you get into the shopping cart? 你放了多少东西到购物车上?
- Are you using this shopping cart? 您要使用这台购物推车吗?
- Pay in your shopping cart right away. 在你的购物篮里直接付帐.
- How to manage your shopping cart? 首页如何管理您的购物车?
- She put the panda in the shopping cart, when... 她把大熊猫放到手推车里,就在这时。。。
- Your shopping cart is almost empty. 你的购物车几乎是空的,
- Push a shopping cart through the aisles of a market. 在超级市场的通道里推着一辆购物车
- Then I wheeled the shopping cart up to the same cashier as before. 接着把购物车推到了先前的那个收银员跟前.
- Representing the sum total of everything in the shopping cart. 它代表购物车中所有商品的金额汇总。
- This Seaside task handles the shopping cart checkout. 这个Seaside任务处理购物车结帐。
- Method must be called for each article in the shopping cart. 接口,并且为购物车中的每个商品调用该接口的。
- The user will have the ability to add these to a shopping cart. 用户可以将这些货品添加到购物车中。
- It features a user-friendly search function with shopping cart. 它具备易学易用的搜寻功能及购物车。
- The shopping cart strategy are no longer just for grocery or discount stores. 购物手推车不仅仅在食品杂货店或者打折的商店可见到。
- Write down the things that Al had in his shopping cart at the supermarket. 写下Al在超市购物车里的东西。
- I wish! A housewife with a shopping cart would've beaten me on that last hill. 真希望我能创记录!最后的那段小山路,连推购物车的家庭主妇也能打败我。
- This JSP implements the skeleton of a shopping cart for order checkout. 这个JSP实现了进行订单结算的购物车的骨架。
- Rember to return the shopping cart before you leave the supermarket. 在离开超市之前记得要归还购物车。