- We have to shore up the damaged fence. 我们得用支柱撑住坏了的篱笆。
- We had to shore up the damaged wall. 我们不得不把损坏的墙支撑起来。
- He shored up the wall with a thick balk of wood. 他用一根粗大的木头把墙撑住。
- Timbers were used to shore up the tunnel. 人们使用木料支撑隧道。
- Saying you are sorry won't make up the damage of breaking the vase. 光说对不起补偿不了你打破花瓶的损失。
- Quentin used several sticks to shore up the tent. 昆廷用几根棍子支撑住帐篷。
- Mr. Bush has been trying to shore up the U.S. mili-tary operations. 布希先生设法加强美国军事作战能力。
- Tried to hush up the damaging details. 试图掩饰有破坏性的细节
- Who'll square up the damage he has done? 谁将赔偿他所造成的损失?
- They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases. 他们企图用增加税收的办法来挽救日益衰落的经济。
- He flouted President Reggan in 1982 by leading the charge to shore up the recession-plagued housing industry. 他在1982年不顾里根总统意见,出头支持受到衰退影响的住房建筑业。
- The government has had to shore up the National Health Service,which was in danger of ruin. 政府已不得不采取拨款等措施支撑保护濒临垮台的国家卫生部门。
- The measures were aimed at shoring up the economy. 采取这些措施,目的在于稳定经济。
- The government has had to shore up the National Health Service, which was in danger of ruin. 政府已不得不采取拨款等措施支撑保护濒临垮台的国家卫生部门。
- My suggestion?Shore up the Viking, reduce the BattleCruiser a bit, and throw in that Predator. 我的建议是,加强维金战机,稍微降低战列巡洋舰和掠夺者战机。
- Who' ll square up the damage he has done ? 谁将赔偿他所造成的损失?
- The villagers shored up sagging huts. 村民们撑起摇摇欲坠的茅棚。
- He is trying to shore up the financial system and save what is salvageable of the American car industry. 他依然在不断尝试着维持整个金融系统的运行,并竭力挽救美国的汽车制造业。
- Allianz, the German insurer, has invested $2.5bn in The Hartford to shore up the US life assurer's finances. 德国保险公司安联(Allianz)向哈特福德金融服务集团(Hartford)投资25亿美元,以对这家美国保险公司的财务状况提供支持。
- She drives carefully up the rocky lane. 她驾车小心地从这条很多石头的小路上驶过去。