- P53 gene is localized in the short arm of human chromosome 17. P53基因定位于人类第17号染色体的短臂,野生型P53基因是肿瘤抑制基因。
- The result showed that all autosomes which have short arm were acrocentric, the X and Y chromosomes were submetacentric. 结果是牦牛常染色体均为近端点着丝粒染色体,X、Y染色体为亚中部着丝粒染色体。
- The pathway of male sexual development in mammals is initiated by SRY, agene on the short arm boundary of Y chromosome. 哺乳动物中位于Y染色体短臂临界区域的SRY基因启动雄性性状的发育。
- The cloned retinoschisis gene (RS1) maps to the distal short arm of the X chromosome (Xp22.2). 近年来的研究已将RS基因定位于Xp22.;2(X染色体短臂远端)。
- Preliminary mapping results showed that the GLS gene was located on the short arm of chromosome 4 near 160 thousand base pairs. 初步定位结果表明,GLS基因位于第四条染色体短臂上靠近0端的16万碱基附近区域。
- A disintegrin and metalloprotease-encoding gene (ADAM) 33, located on the short arm of chromosome 20 (20p13), was recently identified through a genome-wide scan for asthma. ADAM33基因定位于20号染色体短臂20p13,属于ADAM基因超家族。
- Despite a high morphological similarity, tumors with allelic loss on the short arm of chromosome 1 (1pLOH) are more chemosensitive than those without 1pLOH. 尽管两种肿瘤在形态学上极其相似,但是1号染色体短臂上等位基因丢失的肿瘤比没有丢失的药物敏感性要高得多。
- For example, achondroplasia, a common form of dwarfism, usually occurs as a result of a mutation at base pair 1138 in a gene called FGFR3 on the short arm of human chromosome 4. 举例来说,软骨发育不全症(achondroplasia,一种常见的侏儒症)通常是人类第四对染色体短臂上FGFR3这个基因的第1138个碱基对发生突变。
- Having been identified with RBA-Banding technique, Y chromosome of Xizhen showed no short arm, so it belonged to telueentric chromosome, but other three breeds had acrocentric Y chromosomes. 经RBA带鉴别,西镇牛丫染色体无短臂,为端着丝点染色体,其余3个品种为近端着丝点丫染色体。
- Yoda was back in his hover chair, cradling a sleepy Luke in his short arms. 尤达重新坐到了自己的飞行椅上,短小的胳膊抱着一个昏昏欲睡的卢克。
- The PCR products were located in the terminal region of the short arm of rye B chromosomes by chromosome in situ hybridization, and most A chromosomes also showed clear signal dots. 染色体原位杂交实验将PCR产物定位于B染色体短臂末端,多数A染色体末端也显示清晰的杂交信号。
- In previous studies, quantitative trait loci (QTL) conditioning yield components were detected in the short arm of chromosome 6 by using the RIL population from Zhenshan 97B/ Milyang 46. 本实验室前期利用珍汕97B/密阳46重组自交系群体,经初步定位,发现第6染色体短臂上的QTL对研究群体的产量形成具有重要作用。
- Your work falls short of my expectations. 你的工作未达到我的期望。
- Our escape was little short of miraculous. 我们能逃脱简直是个奇迹。
- The Allosaurus' tail was long and large.It had big, strong back legs but small, short arms. 它的尾巴又粗又长,后腿大而壮,但前臂却小而短。
- Extra satellite appears randomly in the long or short arms of the metaphase chromosomes of blastulae. 囊胚期分裂相中有额外随体,其出现率在不同染色体及其长、短臂上均无一定的规律。
- Up the roads is an impressionist bronze statue of the writer.Picturing him with extremely long legs and short arms. 沿著路走去看见的是一尊诗人的印象派铜像,雕像展示他极长的双腿和很短的双臂.
- The rollers are carried by an L - shaped lever, fixed to a horizontal shaft, which also carries short arms to which the reed and gripper guides are fixed. 转子装在l形杆上,l形杆固定在水平轴上。在水平轴上还装有短臂,钢筘和导梭片就装在短臂上。
- Given their age, the prints were most likely made by Homo erectus, the first human ancestor to sport long legs and short arms, Harris said. 考虑到脚印所处的时代,它们很可能是石器时代直立猿人的遗迹,这些猿人是第一个用长腿和断臂运动的人类祖先。
- In the short term, the medicine may not be very effective. 从眼前来看,这药可能疗效不是很大。